  • 學位論文


Research and Application of Lighting Design With The Use of Agricultural Plant Waste - A Case Study of Corn Sheaths , Peanut Shell and Rice Husks

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


摘要 近年來,地球遭受破壞而日漸暖化,人們開始重視環保與永續經營之議題,而創作者感受其迫切性,期望能依循「取之自然.化於自然」之概念,傳達廢物利用的原則,創作出不會破壞環境,又具生活功能之作品。 經相關文獻探討,發現台灣植物性農業廢棄物數量龐大,極具開發價值。選擇玉米籜、花生殼、稻殼,原為果實包覆功能,取其「保護、疼惜」之寓意,經過長時間之材料實驗,作為創作材料,依循其特質研發出「人人都可動手作」之加工手法,降低實作困難度之門檻,使一般民眾能輕鬆上手,讓人初次接觸時不易有挫敗感,而產生DIY之興致。 其次,創作者以上項材料,配合不同光源與配光形式,進行1.玉米籜、2.花生殼、3.玉米鬚、4.花生殼結合玉米籜、5.稻殼等五大系列之燈飾創作,二十三組/三十一件作品。並藉由命題為「光合作用」之創作展演,獲得下列創作心得:(一)台灣植物性農業廢棄物極具材料發展力。(二)了解不同光源材料之配光方式與燈飾創作之關係。(三)植物性農業廢棄物經防腐、防蟲,可開發各種編織、塑形等創作技巧。(四)利用作品卡之小品文連結植物之傳統意象,以提升作品之文化意涵。(五)展覽期間透過對談和作品標價活動落實綠色概念之推廣,以及了解商品化之可能性。 建議:(一)本創作主題適合相關設計科系之教學推廣。(二)政府應提供經費鼓勵相關議題之研究開發,並提供公共展演空間。媒合微型創業之可能。推展社區植物性農業廢棄物手作工坊,深入民間真正落實環保概念,開展永續經營的綠色生活。


ABSTRACT The issues of global warming have raised the importance of environmental protection and of making sustainable use of resources. In this project the designer used the concept “taking from nature, returning to nature” to make lighting fixtures, hoping that the pieces would be created both environmental-friendly and of practical utility. The amount of agricultural plant waste in Taiwan is huge. The designer chose corn leaves, peanut shells, and rice husks to be the compositional materials. The original function of them, to cover, symbolizes protection and care. According to the materials’ attributes, the designer developed a simple method to preserve the plant waste. One may easily create his or her own works and grow interest in this DIY activity. The works of “Photosynthesis” are categorized into five types –– pieces made of: 1) corn leaves, 2) peanut shells, 3) corn silks, 4) peanut shell and corn leaves, and 5) rice husks. Using the above materials and considering the light sources and light distribution, the designer created thirty one pieces that are grouped into twenty three series. Through this project, the designer has learned the following: 1) the potential to recycle the agricultural plant waste in Taiwan is great; 2) particular sorts of light sources and light distribution may be applied flexibly in the design; 3) the preserved agricultural plant waste can be used in various types of weaving and modeling; 4) the works’cultural meanings are enriched through the brief descriptions about the connotations of the plants; 5) the verbal exchanges and the price labeling activity at the exhibition help to convey the green concept, and to explore the possibility of turning the works into merchandise. The designer has the following suggestions. 1) The project is good for the other design-related departments as an educational assignment. 2) The government should provide fund and public space to encourage similar exhibitions and small businesses of DIY workshops in the local communities, because it helps to concretize the idea of environmental protection and to promote a green lifestyle that makes more sustainable uses of the natural resources.


