  • 學位論文


Understanding the Critical Factors for Adopting Electronic Bus in the Automobile Passenger Transportation Industry

指導教授 : 連俊瑋


汽車客運業具有定點、定時、定線及大量運輸等特性,根據105年環保署數據,移動汙染源佔空氣污染源的比例達到30%以上,近年臺灣境內PM 2.5 (細懸浮微粒)經常呈現紫爆狀態,空氣品質低落。導入電動大客車可降低廢氣排放,並提供乘客低噪音與無汙染的大眾運輸環境。106年行政院公布空氣污染防治行動方案,推動2030年公車電動化政策,由中央與地方政府聯手,全力推動電動大客車投入營運,106年由交通部發布「公路公共運輸補助電動大客車作業要點」,透過跨部會結合交通部與環保署資源共同執行。電動大客車為新技術型態的車輛,且價格昂貴,對於提供公共運輸服務的客運業者而言,營運車輛必須夠穩定、且整體持有成本必須在可控制的範圍,方能提供大眾可靠的公車班次及達到提升企業經營績效的目標。 本研究依據「技術-組織-環境(Technology-Organization-Environment, TOE)」架構之理論基礎,及針對有使用多年電動大客車經驗之典型案例進行個案分析並與理論整合,以提出人力、技術、組織、環境四個構面及二十個可能影響變數,並利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)進行分析,期望能篩選出客運業導入電動大客車之關鍵考量因素的重要指標,及各類指標之權重,達到客觀與量化關鍵考量因素之目的,以提供給客運業者參考運用。 本研究的結果指出,客運業者導入電動大客車之關鍵考量因素,四大構面權重依序為「技術」、「環境」、「組織」、「人力」;20項次構面之整體權重排序前5項分別為「妥善率」、「續航力」、「購車補助政策」、「電池堪用年限」、「充電方式」,排序前五名之評估準則中就有四項準則是有關車輛技術方面之要求,顯示在以公共運輸服務為主的公車業,除考量購車補助政策因素(購車成本)外,因肩負著運送旅客的責任,車輛能否穩定營運、進而提供乘客良好的公車服務品質,「技術」層面是為電動大客車導入時客運業者的主要關鍵考量因素。


客運 電動大客車 TOE AHP 關鍵考量因素


The automobile passenger transportation industry has its particular characteristics including fixed location, scheduled time, fixed route and mass transportation capability. Data from the Environmental Protection Administration indicate that over 30% of air pollution sources are from mobile devices. Recent years, air quality in Taiwan is getting worse. The level of PM 2.5 often over standard and reaches purple level. Adopt electronic bus can decrease exhaust emission from the bus and provide quiet, no pollution public transportation environment. In 2017, the Executive Yuan announced the air pollution prevention action plan to promote the policy about adopting electronic bus in 2030. By the cooperation between central and local governments to support putting electronic bus into operating. Ministry of Transportation and Communications announce “Public Transportation Electronic Bus Subsidy Operating Rule” to execute the policy by cooperating with the Environmental Protection Administration. The electronic bus is a kind of new technology vehicle and expensive. For bus company, its reliability, reasonable and controllable total cost of ownership is very critical for providing reliable public transportation services to achieve the operating goals. Based on Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) model and case study, this study proposed four dimensions and twenty variables for this research topic. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is employed to weight each indicators and variables. The major result indicate that the sequence of the four dimensions is technology, environment, organization and human resources. Additionally, the top five critical variables are proper rate, endurance, supporting police for bus buying, battery life, and charge method. Among the above five variables, four of them are belonging to technical requirements. This means technical related issues are still the major concern for bus company to adopt electronic bus.


1. 中華民國公共汽車客運商業同業公會全國聯合會(2018),電動大客車運行經驗與發展趨勢高峰論壇。
2. 王彥婷(2012),影響醫院導入「雲端運算」之關鍵因素研究:整合TOE 與HOT-Fit 的觀點,國立臺中科技大學資訊管理系碩士論文。
3. 交通部(2018),公路公共運輸補助電動大客車作業要點,民108年5月31日,取自https://www.mvdis.gov.tw/webMvdisLaw/LawContent.aspx?LawID=E0092001
4. 智慧電動車發展策略與發展方案,民108年6月15日,取自https://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/external/ctlr?PRO=policy.PolicyView&id=2691。
5. 空氣污染防治行動方案,民108年6月15日,取自https://www.ey.gov.tw/Goals/81689F916EB5D550
