  • 學位論文

遊戲類App Icon設計之視覺吸引力研究

Explore the Visual Appeal of Icon Design for Game Apps

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


自「智慧型手機」問世後,顛覆了人類生活的方式,對App的倚賴性漸增,因此掌握此商機便益發重要。如何從龐大的App資訊中,透過App Icon便能第一眼抓住使用者目光,是相當重要的關鍵。而某些Icon是否會產生聚焦性的視覺吸引效果?若存在,又有何視覺構成特徵?針對上述議題,本研究將App Store與Google Play熱門免費排行榜的App Icon分類並以亂數節選36個樣本,根據視覺傳達理論依「造形」、「色彩」的元素之構成分析,並在台大批踢踢實業坊、遊戲基地論壇等屬於智慧型手機擁有者常會參與的平台,向了解遊戲類App的使用者進行問卷調查,以描述性統計分別從「性別」、「年齡」、「常玩的遊戲類型」...等不同使用者背景進行討論分析,以了解最初吸引其目光的Icon樣本之視覺設計特性。經調查並取36個樣本中最高與最低吸引之五個樣本相比,依此分析之結果如下:(一)在受測之部分App Icon樣本中確實存在相對高度聚焦性的視覺吸引力。(二)高低視覺吸引力的Icon樣本其視覺構成有著明顯的差異性。(三)以受測者性別差異而言,Icon吸引人的條件顯示出男女關注物象的既定形式。(四)從年齡與職業區別上,對Icon吸引力則在圖像之繁簡與色彩上呈現較大的差異。(五)設計相關背景之有無在Icon樣本視覺吸引力方面無明顯差別,顯示人感知之共通性。(六)對智慧型手機遊戲之投入程度不同,視覺受吸引的偏向反應在Icon所產生之動感與輕鬆性。(七)受測者遊戲類型偏好之不同,Icon受吸引之構成意象呈現動感、輕鬆等意象差異。(八)能產生視覺吸引力之App Icon樣本以「記憶性」為視覺機能性最高。


People become more dependent on application software products (Apps) since the invention of smartphones has greatly changed the way of human life. Thus, grabbing the commercial opportunities relating to smartphones is important. To immediately attract the users’ attention from the enormous number of Apps, the design of App icons is crucial. Will certain types of icons appeal to the users more than the others? If they will, what are their visual characteristics? Based on the theories of visual communication, the current study analyzes the shapes and the colors of 36 icons of popular free Apps randomly selected from the App Store and the Google Play through a questionnaire survey conducted on the bulletin board system PTT and the website Gamebase, the sites that heavier users of game Apps frequently visit. The results show that: 1) certain types of iconic composition attract more visual attention; 2) there is a significant difference between the icons of high and of low visual appeal; 3) the visual appeal of App icons is gender-specific; 4) color and the level of the icon’s sophistication correlate with the subject’s age and occupation; 5) whether the subjects have the background in visual design does not affect the result; 6) the level of the subjects’ involvement in game Apps correlates with the visual dynamics induced by the icons; 7) the subjects’ preferred types of game Apps also correlates with the visual dynamics induced by the icons; 8) the memorability of the icons is the most important functional factor among the others.


