  • 學位論文


The Influences of Mechanistic and Organic Online Services Recovery Approach on Service Recovery Performance

指導教授 : 李家瑩


隨著線上交易的日益頻繁,線上購物失誤情況也與日俱增,服務失誤可能導致消費者對企業產生負面觀感,影響企業的聲譽及獲利,而服務補救可視為一個扭轉頹勢的機會。目前已有許多文獻研究服務失誤與服務補救,卻鮮少有以線上服務補救作為探討議題,且針對線上情境的文獻中,大多探討網路服務或是自助式服務,較少著墨於線上購物情境中的服務失誤。此外,有鑑於服務失誤補救在顧客層面已有諸多探討,本研究將著重在公司層面的服務補救機制。因此,本研究將探討線上購物業者面臨服務失誤時,所採行之服務補救措施。本研究以學者Homburg & Fürst (2005)所提出的概念作為基礎並對顧客抱怨情境加以延伸,探討企業內部的服務補救機制(有機式、機械式)對於第一線員工服務補救效能之影響。此外,本研究以有機式服務補救機制作為干擾變數,探討此變數是否對機械式補救機制具有干擾效果。再者,本研究以計畫性行為理論為基礎,探討第一線員工執行服務補救時之能力(服務補救效能)與意願(服務補救問責),對於服務補救績效之影響。綜上所述,本研究主要探討公司層面的服務補救方針,對於員工執行服務補救任務之影響,進而提升服務補救績效。 本研究以曾執行過線上服務補救工作的第一線服務人員作為主要研究對象,進行統計及相關資料分析,藉以驗證所提出之模式。本研究結果發現,機械式服務補救機制中的程序準則及補償準則對補救效能有顯著的影響,而由於行為準則必須第一線員工額外付出更多情緒勞務,因此第一線服務人員並無法單靠依循企業的行為準則就達到補救效能,故需要搭配有機式服務補救機制中的獎勵制度以及培訓制度才能有效的提升補救效能。另外,補救效能、補救問責以及補救績效三者之間的關係,本研究結果顯示,補救效能及補救問責皆對補救績效有顯著的影響。最後,依據研究結果提出了相關的結論與建議,以提供線上購物網站的業者作為提高員工補救績效之參考,並希望能藉此研究幫助線上業者確認適合的服務補救機制。


The prevalence of online transactions increases the occurrences of service failure during online shopping. Service recovery failure is a driving factor in customers choosing to switch service providers, affecting the firm’s reputation and profitability. Service recovery can be regarded as a chance for firms to compensate and rebuild the relationship with the customers. Several previous studies discuss service failure and service recovery, but few studies shed lights on online service recovery. Among these studies related to online service recovery, most of them focus on Internet service, or explore the self-service, neglecting service recovery in the online shopping context. In addition, given that service recovery satisfaction for customers has been well explored, this study focuses on the service recovery mechanism at firm level. This study would like to investigate the influence of online service recovery mechanism on employees’ service recovery performance for online retailers. This study applies Homburg & Fürst’s (2005) research, by extending mechanistic and organic approach for frontline staff online service recovery. This study explores the influences of mechanistic service recovery mechanism on service recovery efficacy. This study also investigates the moderating roles of organic service recovery mechanism on the relationship between mechanistic service recovery mechanism and service recovery self-efficacy. In addition, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study explores the impacts of the frontline staff’s ability (service recovery efficacy) and willingness (service recovery accountability) on service recovery performance. This study collected data from frontline staff’s who have service recovery experiences and used PLS to analyze the research hypotheses. The results of this study indicate that the process guideline of mechanistic service recovery mechanism and the outcome guideline of mechanistic service recovery mechanism have significant impacts on employees’ service recovery efficacy. Besides, organic service recovery mechanism moderates the relationship between behavioral guidelines of mechanistic service recovery mechanism and employees’ service recovery efficacy. The results imply that while using behavioral guidelines of mechanistic service recovery mechanism, firms need to provide reward & training system to motivate employees for service recovery. Finally, this study confirms the interrelationship among service recovery efficacy, recovery accountability and recovery performance. The findings could provide guidance for online retailers to establish appropriate service recovery mechanism and thus improve frontline staff service recovery performance.


羅雅嬪,民95,網購服務失誤、服務補救與顧客滿意度 -知覺公平與期望不一致
Achievement: Theoretical perspectives , 125-151.
王詩梅,民99,網路購物服務失誤、服務補救與補救效果之研究,國立台北大學, 企業管理學系碩士論文。


