  • 學位論文


Graphic Representation Approach of Shock Advertising

指導教授 : 謝寶泰


基於市場競爭劇烈的緣故,廣告充斥在生活周遭的機率提高。面對廣告資訊的氾濫,人們對廣告的注意力開始逐漸衰退,這讓以刻意違背常規禮儀來冒犯並驚嚇觀者的震撼性廣告,在世界各地的使用情況越來越普遍。震撼性廣告何以吸引目光並衝擊影響人心,成為本研究動機之所在,而震撼性廣告的平面表現建構即為本研究所要探究的重點。   本研究先透過廣告創意策略之相關文獻與震撼性廣告之相關論述整理出震撼性廣告的定義、概念以及所使用的創意思考方式,再以內容分析法歸納出震撼性廣告之創意策略的表現類型,最後,透過震撼性廣告各表現類型的文本分析,得出震撼性廣告的平面表現原則。經此,發現下列四點結論: 1.由震撼性廣告之相關理論探索,釐清震撼性廣告的意義與概念,在於震撼性廣告是廣告主或廣告設計者刻意透過創意執行手法來挑釁觀者,使之引起爭議及輿論的廣告策略;主要訴求眾為年輕群族,其露骨且極端的呈現,以及廣告中流露出質疑與批判、反主流與突破既定的思維,易激起年輕人的興趣,且與他們對社會規範叛逆挑戰的心理有所呼應。同時,震撼性廣告違背道德規範的呈現具有跨越文化種族的特性。 2.本研究以學者所提出的「震撼訴求之反應模式」,與發展心理學對年輕成人的分析、描述為依據,將震撼性廣告的創意表現歸納為七大類型:衝撞價值體系、嚇阻作用、省思作用、惕勵作用、黑暗藝術、反諷戲謔、綜合型。 3.經統計,第一部門所釋放的震撼性廣告以嚇阻作用居冠,第二部門中,最常採用震撼策略的廣告主為經營服飾及其配件的時尚品牌,多使用衝撞價值體系及黑暗藝術,其它營利單位則主要採取惕勵、黑暗藝術與反諷戲謔的類型製作獨特吸睛、鼓勵消費者消費的震撼性廣告,而第三部門所釋放出的震撼性廣告,以省思與惕勵作用的使用最為頻繁,衝撞價值體系及嚇阻作用則居次。 4.震撼性廣告主要以圖像內容在傳達資訊,文字部分較少,甚至沒有。插圖皆以紀實攝影或攝影電修製作而成,故逼真感強烈,令人印象深刻。編排方面則以單純的背景,繁簡、大小、明暗等各種對比形式,使插圖更為聚焦。   有關震撼性廣告的後續研究,建議可朝文案或是影片方面進行研究,亦可針對國內民眾對震撼性廣告的接受程度進行量化調查。


Today’s fierce market competition has increased people’s exposure to advertising in their daily life. Excessive advertising causes them to pay less and less attention to these ads. Shock advertising, which serves to offend and shock viewers by deliberately violating the norms of social values, is thus becoming more common worldwide. This study, therefore, wonders why shock advertising captures people’s attention and how it affects their ways of thinking. With this as the motive, it attempts to explore the graphic representation approach of shock advertising applied to print ads.   This study first performed a literature review of research on advertising creative strategies while going through discourse about shock advertising. The purpose is to collect and organize the definitions and concepts of shock advertising, and the ways of creative thinking. Content analysis was then performed to summarize the types of how creative strategies are realized for shock advertising. Lastly, by conducting textual analysis of various types of how shock advertising is presented, this study derived the graphic representation principles of shock advertising. The following four conclusions have been drawn accordingly: 1.The exploration into the theories on shock advertising helped clarify its meaning and concept. As a strategy used by advertisers or advertising designers, shock advertising is intended to stir up controversy and public discussion by deliberately provoking viewers with creative execution of ads. Targeted at younger generations, shock advertising is presented in an unconcealed, polarized manner. It is also characteristic of using the ways of thinking that are thought-challenging, critical, anti-mainstream and outside-the-box. Such advertisements can easily spark the interest of young people, and echo with their mindset of wanting to challenge against social norms. Additionally, the way shock advertising is presented against ethic norms can reflect its cross-cultural and cross-ethnic features. 2.This study is based on “A Preliminary Model of Consumer Reactions to Shock Appeals” advanced by scholars, as well as the analyses and descriptions of young adults in the field of developmental psychology. In this regard, the advertisements that realize creative ideas for shock advertising is classified into seven types: values-challenging ads, deterrent ads, self-reflective ads, warning/encouraging ads, dark art-style ads, sarcastic ads, and multi-type ads. 3.Statistical data show that deterrent ads take the first place among shocking advertisements released in the public sector. In the private sector, fashion brands that merchandise clothing and accessories are the most frequent users of shock tactics. The most used types are values-challenging ads and dark art-style ads. Warning/encouraging ads, dark art-style ads, and sarcastic ads predominate in the types of advertisements utilized by other profit-making organizations. To this end, they make unique, eye-catching, and consumption-inducing advertisements. In the voluntary sector (i.e. the third sector), the most frequently used types are self-reflective ads and warning/encouraging ads, followed by values-challenging ads and deterrent ads. 4.As an image-based strategy, shock advertising conveys information with little or even no use of text. Its wide use of documentary photos and retouched photos for illustrations adds a realistic touch to the advertisements, leaving viewers impressed. As to the layout, advertisers create contrasts —plain background versus the subject, simple versus complex, big versus small, light versus dark— to bring more focus on the illustration.   This study suggests that future researchers explore more into advertising copies or commercial films about shock advertising. It is also advised to conduct a quantitative study on how widely people in Taiwan accept shock advertising.


Govoni, N. A. P. (2004). Dictionary of marketing communications. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage.
