  • 學位論文

融入體驗行銷之陶瓷杯創新設計 以《不木》創作展為例

Innovative Design of Ceramic Cups Integrated with Experiential Marketing In Case of “Boo Moo” Creation Exhibition

指導教授 : 黃鐉津


本創作研究之宗旨在探討日常生活中,所使用的陶瓷杯,除了裝水之外,如何加入創意,賦予它更多的意義與價值。透過陶瓷杯的使用,讓消費者得到溫暖與感動,並增添生活樂趣。在創新設計中,以「人」為本的思考模式,並結合日常生活中所累積的五感經驗,進行研究探討與分析。訂定創作主題為「不木」,即「不麻木.有溫度」之意,分為「紓壓按摩系」與「織築嵌杯系」兩大系列進行創作。 「紓壓按摩系」旨在傳達樂活概念,在杯子上加入了「紓壓」與「按摩」兩大元素,改變肌理與凹凸,讓消費者藉由陶瓷杯的使用,可以按壓觸摸,透過熱傳導,邊喝茶、邊熱敷、邊按摩,以達紓壓之效。而「織築嵌杯系」傳達了珍惜概念,旨在隱喻人要知足感恩、惜福謙卑,將記憶中的建築意象轉化,在杯子上鑲嵌構築異質媒材,勾起消費者過往經驗,增加視覺美感及觸感轉換的異趣。 作品完成後,以茶席之形式展演,並舉辦奉茶活動,讓消費者實際欣賞作品之餘,亦能享受品茶之閒情,透過現場氛圍,傳遞幸福對話。藉由本創作推廣「每天,為您身邊親愛的人,奉一杯茶」的「新奉茶運動」,傳達珍惜相聚,拉近你我距離。人活著就離不開水,透過陶瓷杯的使用,真誠奉茶,讓身邊的人,一起感受幸福氛圍,寫下動人的故事。


體驗行銷 陶瓷杯 創新設計


The purpose of this creation is to explore the use of ceramic cup in daily life; except for filling with water, how to join creativity for giving it more meaning and value. Through the use of ceramic cup, consumers receive warmth and joy, increasing life delight. In the innovative design, this study adopted "people" oriented thinking, combined with accumulated experiences of five senses in daily life, to conduct research and analysis. The theme of creation was set as "Boo Moo”, i.e. "not insensitive, with warmth" and was separated into two major series, “Massage for Pressure Relief" and "Jhi Zu Cian Bei”. The series of “Massage for Pressure Relief” is intended to convey the concept of LOHAS. Two major elements, "Pressure Relief” and "Massage” were joined on the cup and changed the texture and bump. By using the ceramic cup, consumers can press or touch it and feel its heat conduction; while drinking tea, you are like making a hot compress and having a massage, so your pressure is relieved. And the series of "Jhi Zu Cian Bei” (means “content and humble cup”; with the weaved, architectural, and embedded materials on the Cup) conveys the idea of treasuring, and is intended to express the metaphor of content, gratitude, humbleness, and treasuring blessings. Which transforms the architectural imagery of memory into the cup embedded heterogeneous Medias, and arouses the consumers’ past experiences, increasing the visual aesthetic impression and the difference of tastes and interests of converting touch. After the works were completed, the activities such as performances in the form of tea catering and tea ceremonies will be organized, so that the consumers can actually appreciate the works and enjoy the leisure; through the atmosphere, happiness could be felt. By this creation, the "New Tea Serving Movement" is promoted, that is, "serving a cup of tea for your around loved ones every day". Thus people treasure together and get closer. Since people cannot live without water, a moving story is written. Through the use of ceramic cup and sincerely serving tea, people around you can feel the happiness atmosphere.


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