  • 學位論文


A study of relationship between school marketing strategy,school image and parents’ satisfaction in Taichung elementary schools

指導教授 : 張李淑容


本研究旨在探討臺中市國民小學家長對學校行銷策略、學校形象與家長滿意度的認知現況,並分析不同背景變項家長的差異情形,以及三者間的關係。本研究採取文獻分析與問卷調查法,共抽取360位家長為樣本,回收有效問卷計324份。問卷以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Tukey事後檢定、皮爾遜積差相關及迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析與處理,得出以下之研究結果。 一、臺中市國民小學家長對學校行銷策略、學校形象與家長滿意度認知均具有中 度以上的認知程度。 二、不同性別與家庭月收入的家長,對學校行銷策略整體認知無顯著差異; 不同年齡、教育程度、家庭狀況、職業、稱謂的家長,對學校行銷策略 整體認知有部分差異。 三、不同性別、年齡、家庭狀況、家庭月收入、職業、稱謂的家長,對學 校形象認知無顯著差異。不同教育程度的家長,對學校形象認知則有 顯著差異。 四、不同性別、家庭狀況、家庭月收入、職業、稱謂的家長,對家長滿意 度認知無顯著差異。不同年齡、教育程度的家長,對家長滿意度認知 則有顯著差異。 五、臺中市國民小學學校行銷策略、學校形象與家長滿意度之間均呈現正 相關。 六、學校行銷策略四個構面中,以「教育活動服務」「教育成本價值」「公 共關係推廣」對整體學校形象具有顯著的預測力。 七、學校行銷策略四個構面中,「教育活動服務」「教育成本價值」「實 體環境地點」「公共關係推廣」均對整體家長滿意度有顯著的預測能 力。 八、學校形象七個構面對家長滿意度的關係研究結果發現,學校形象七個 構面中,「教師專業」、「課程表現」、「行政服務」、「學校文化 與家長」對整體家長滿意度都具有顯著的預測能力。 九、學校行銷策略與學校形象對家長滿意度具有顯著預測力。


The research inquired the cognitive condition of Taichung’s elementary school parents on the school marketing strategy, school image and parents’ satisfaction. In addition, the research analyzed the significant difference between parents with different background, as well as the relationships between these three variables. The research methods adopted literature analysis and questionnaire survey. Participants were 360 parents of Taichung, and then the valid returned questionnaires were 324. Statistics methods including descriptive statistics, t-test of average number of independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Tukey method, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were employed to analyze in the data processing. Followings are conclusions: 1.The cognitive condition of elementary school parents in Taichung was above the average toward school marketing strategy, school image and parents’ satisfaction. 2. There was no significant difference about cognition of school marketing strategy between parents of different sex and household monthly income, yet there were some difference between parents of different age, educational background, family condition, occupation and title. 3. There was no significant difference about cognition of school image between different sex, age, family condition, household monthly income, occupation and title, but there was a significant difference between parents of different educational background. 4.There was no significant difference about parents’ satisfaction between parents of different sex, family condition, household monthly income, occupation and title, but there was a significant difference between parents of different age and educational background 5. Between school marketing strategy, school image and parents’ satisfaction had positive relationship. 6. Among four aspects of school marketing strategy, “educational activity service”, “educational cost value” and “public relations promotion” had significant predictive ability in whole school image. 7. Among four aspects of school marketing strategy, “educational activity service”, “educational cost value”, “physical environmental location” and “public relations promotion” had significant predictive ability in parents’ satisfaction. 8. According to the research, “teacher’s profession”, “course performance”, “administrative service” and “school culture and parents” had significant predictive ability among seven aspects of school image in parents’ satisfaction. 9. The school marketing strategy and school image could predict parents’ satisfaction.


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