  • 學位論文

應用Maya MEL探討群體運動之創作技術

Investigation of Technology of Maya MEL to Explore the Crowd Motion

指導教授 : 陳賢錫


以3D動畫的方式來表現電影或影片特效變得越來越普遍。電影場景中因應劇情的需要,常常加入群體的場景,而群體的數量和呈現效果,是可以隨意發揮而沒有任何限制的。但在群體的場景中若仍由真人(或動物)上陣,因應龐大場面及效果的需要,勢必耗費大量的演員投入及昂貴的經費支出;而由3D動畫製作成的場景,雖然關鍵影格〈keyframe)動作的調整已可非常的細膩,但是使用影格調整來製作大量的動畫角色,需要消耗龐大的人力資源,顯得很沒有效率。所以,透過3D電腦動畫的群體運動,已成為電腦特效的另一項重要技術及技能。 本研究使用MAYA的MEL技術來複製動態物件以及控制群體運動,可以調整群體個體的數量,以及不同的運動方式。在影片中有五項研究成果,第一,產生大量的球,且以不同速率彈跳;第二,整齊陣列隊形往同一方向前進;第三,不同速率的人物,同方向直線向前走;第四,平面隨機位置產生貓熊;第五,蝴蝶在曲面上產生,隨意飛舞且不互相碰撞。並將程式碼介面化,幫助動畫師更加方便的操作及運用。


Using 3D animation to create special effects becomes more and more popular in movie industry. If necessary, crowd motion scenes are quite often added into film to create an impressed effect. And the crowd motion units and arrangements are no limits and free for designer’s imagination. Nowadays there are some crowd motion scenes performed by real actors/animals which not only spend a lot of time and energy but also cost them much money on it. Another choice of 3D crowd motion technology, although its key frame being adjusted into very delicate action, is still inefficient and consumed huge human resources when using key frame to produce a large number of animation characters. So, the selection of 3D animation in crowd motion has become another important technology and skill. This study is focusing on duplication of the dynamic object and control of crowd motion with Maya MEL script by adjusting quantities of crowd/individual and different ways of movement. There are five study results in this paper made by MEL script. First, a large amount of ball bouncing at different rates; second, people in parade formation and moving forward in the same direction; third, people moving ahead in the same direction with different forward rates; fourth, randomly generating pandas on a plane surface; fifth, the butterflies flying randomly on the curved surface and free from colliding one another. Finally, this study has made MEL script into control interface. It may help animators have a better experience in operation and its further application.


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郭昕昀(2017)。Maya MEL 群體運動中碰撞排除之技術研究及相關技術應用〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-2307201720121700
