  • 學位論文


A Study of Childrens’ Environmental Behavior in Primary Schools Classroom

指導教授 : 李琦華


國民小學教育一直以來被視為是學童學習上的重要時期,由於小學階段的學習大部分時間都在教室空間中進行,因此,探討教室室內空間形式與學童行為的互動關係是有必要的。有鑒於台灣近年來歷經了新校園運動過後於教育空間上的轉變與轉型,各個國小的教學空間形式以及空間元素的塑造也因應時代的變遷而有劃時代嶄新的變革,以此為契機,研究將探討各種教室空間中的使用者與空間中的相關因素成為我們最關心的課題。 本研究從「環境行為學」的角度出發,先透過相關文獻回顧,從普通教室相關論述之「國小普通教室實質環境」及「環境行為」理論,建構教師與學童問卷;先期普查台中市區(2010年12月25日縣市合併前)公立國民小學普通教室空間現況,共計63間,並分類彙整為五種教室平面類型,分別為 (一)雙走廊-教學空間、(二)單走廊-教學空間、(三)單走廊-教學空間-服務空間、(四)單走廊-教學空間-輔助空間-服務空間、(五)單走廊-教學空間-輔助空間-共用服務空間,由五種類型各選出一校進行實地環境行為的研究調查,並採用非參與式之行為觀察法註記行為特徵,同時繪製平面圖,最後搭配班級教師與學童偏好問卷,以探究學童環境行為與教室空間形態之間的關聯性。 經研究行為觀察與教師、學童問卷訪談結果,研究發現: 1.空間形式對學童課間活動行為有所影響,以雙走廊+教學空間的形態促使學童下課活動範圍增加。 2.基礎設施影響學童上課舒適度 3.學童偏好藍色系及綠色系的教室空間 4.二樓以上的走廊空間應提供寬闊的露(平)臺。 關鍵字:環境行為、普通教室規劃、國小教室空間、空間偏好


As children spend most of the time in the classroom space in the primary school, the education in the primary school has been regarded as an important period for children's learning. It is necessary to study the interactions between the forms of classrooms and children's Behavior in school. Following the new campus movement after 921 earthquake, the form transition of classrooms spatial design has changed a lot. Also, the forms of classrooms design and spatial elements in each school have to accommodate themselves to the change in recent years in Taiwan. Therefore, this study aims to study the users' behavior and other related elements in classrooms. This study starts from reviewing literature of environmental behavior and normal classroom discourses. Using theories of classroom physical environment and Environmental Behavior Study(EBS) to construct teacher and children's questionnaire. The study adopted a pre-study of the existing 63 normal classrooms space in public primary schools in Taichung City (upgraded after December 25, 2010). In the end, the floor space layout can be divided into 5 types. 1. Dual corridor and Teaching area 2.Single corridor and Teaching-area 3. Single corridor, Teaching-area add Teaching-assisting space 4. Single corridor, Teaching-area add Teaching-assisting space plus Service space 5. Single corridor, Teaching-area, Teaching-assisting space add Sharing- service space. Furthermore, study picked one school of each type to do the Environmental Behavior Study (EBS) which carried out non-participant observation with noting the features of behavior and drawing floor plans. Finally, with the teacher and children's questionnaire findings, showing the relevance of environmental behavior and classroom space. The results showed that 1.) Different classroom have an impact on the children behavior during the class. The "Dual corridor plus teaching- area" form of the classroom will promote children to expand range of activity 2.) Basic facilities in classrooms will affect children comfort in class. 3.) Children prefer blue or green colors of their classroom. 4.) Corridor above the second floor should provide a wide terrace. Keywords: Environmental Behavior, Spatial Planning for Normal Classroom,Elementary School Classroom, Space Preference


4. 李孟芹(2012),《雙邊走廊教室應用導光板採光效益評估之研究》,國立成功大


何銘淳(2014)。Bis(1-methyl-3-vinylpyrazinium-4-phenyl) amine diiodide與寡核苷酸作用之共振拉曼光譜研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614002328
