  • 學位論文


Darkness Inpiration : The Study of Creation from Dark Mentality of Otaku

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


闇黑被人們視為隱晦不敢碰觸的禁忌,隨著時代變遷,雖闇黑表現的題材有呈現多元的面貌,如戲劇、文學、建築或是表演等,闇黑題材的作品在市面上有逐漸蔓延的趨勢,風格特色有感官的血腥、暴力、性與負面的意涵在其中,在社會大眾的認知中被認為是禁忌與避而不談的陰暗面。 透過文獻探討分析,了解闇黑可以觸動人內心的焦慮、恐懼、孤獨的外在與內在因子,榮格心理學理論與陰影效應學說對黑暗心理的了解,發現闇黑與人心中的陰影有讓人進化的功能。結合現代新興次文化族群-「御宅族」,次文化族群具有反文化的反叛特性,創作核心架構以亞里斯多德「複雜悲劇結構」與黑格爾「和解」作為創作概念主軸,在悲劇歷程從「開始」、「反轉」、「發現」、「受難」到「結束」與「和解」的歷程達到淨化紓緩情緒的功效。 本創作研究透過文獻整理歸納,整合榮格心理學、反文化精神、悲劇心理學、全球動漫文化、影像敘事與色彩心理感知進入創作中,以「插畫」為主要創作媒體,並衍生出「概念短片」與「說明手冊」為延伸創作媒體,藉由動態與靜態的創作媒體擴充,讓動態的影像短片結合懸疑影像敘事,引導觀眾更快接收到創作的概念,以及靜態的說明手冊,讓觀眾可以藉由翻閱手冊更清楚的了解悲劇歷程所傳達出來的概念。由創作研究顛覆以往闇黑的刻板印象,並非只有負面觀感,可以重新從黑暗中探索未知的內心世界,得以進化整合,讓闇黑一改昔日印象,轉以不同的面相與風貌呈現。


闇黑啟發 御宅族 黑暗心理


Darkness is seen as veiled by people and is a taboo that people dare not touch. As times changed, although the subjects of Darkness are various, such as theater, literature, architecture, or performances, there is a trend that works of dark theme in the market are gradually spreading, and their style features include reeking of blood, violence, sex, and negative implications which are considered the dark sides and taboo in the public awareness and avoided to talk. Through literature analysis, the researcher understood that darkness can touch one's inner anxiety, fear, and internal and external factors of loneliness. The doctrines of the dark shadow effect and the theories of Jungian psychology had understood and found that dark shadows in one’s heart have the function to make human evolution. Combined with the emerging modern subculture groups - "Otaku", the sub-culture groups have the rebel characteristics of counter-culture; the core architecture of their creation use Aristotle’s "complex structure of tragedy" and Hegel's "reconciliation" as the major concept of creation; the process of tragedy, which is from "Starting", "reversing", "finding", "suffering" to "ending" and "reconciliation", have the effect to purify and relieve the emotion. This study and creation had been summarizing literature and integrating Jungian psychology, anti-cultural spirit, tragedy psychology, global animation culture, video narration, and psychological perception of color into the creation, and had adopted "illustrations" as the main creative medias which made "concept clip" and "instruction manual" become the extensional creative medias; through the dynamic and static expansion of creative medias, the combination of the dynamic video clips and video narrative suspense could guide the audience quickly receive the idea of the creation; and the static instruction manual makes the audience clearly understand the conveyed concepts in the process of tragedy by reading the manual. This study and creation subverts the past stereotype of darkness, and gives darkness not just the negative impression; from darkness, people can re-explore the unknown inner world and the evolution or integration become possible; so the old impression of darkness has changed, and turn to present in different styles.


darkness inspiration Otaku dark mentality


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