  • 學位論文


The Creation of Cultural Products of Taiwan Festivals

指導教授 : 黃鐉津


台灣擁有多元文化,其中節慶文化的發展頗具地方特色。歷史的脈絡與當地民俗風情是節慶發展之要素,也非常值得推廣與應用。然而在工業化社會推使之下,很多節慶的文化精神一直在精簡化,同時繁忙生活也漸漸淡忘那先人流傳下來的文化脈絡,現今需透過許多的節慶活動,讓人們在休閒娛樂之餘,還能體悟文化深層的傲骨。時至今日,地方上也不斷舉辦各項新興的節慶活動,正宣告了台灣文化消費時代的到來。 本創作探討台灣節慶文化相關活動並擷取文化特色,將其元素轉化為具有經濟價值之文化商品,主題為「年年好」,將「年」視為一個單位,納入八項年節特色作為設計主軸。年節各項活動所要傳達的是消災解厄、祈求好運及熱鬧團圓的意象。因此在各個喧鬧的慶典祭儀背後蘊含著深層意義。為了讓節慶文化能融入生活用品中,以其中廣為人知的八項節慶作為商品設計的主軸,用較具節慶色彩之意象與作品結合,以「食」、「衣」、「住」、「行」四個面向作為分類,藉由彙整文化商品的相關理論,以節慶意象轉化於文化商品之架構,引導出產品意象設計,多以趣味性與故事性的轉化於其中,讓使用者更了解商品之文化意涵。 為考量生活用品的多樣化,故作品採用木材、竹子、皮革、玻璃、帆布以及柴絲草之天然材料,將各材質運用至其中。希望透過商品展現工藝品之文化價值,讓本創作樸質的外形能看見文化語彙之圖像,又能加強文化商品永續發展之重要性。


Taiwan embraces multiple cultures. Especially, the development of festivals culture quite demonstrates local traits. The historical thread and local folk custom are critical for development of festivals. Also, they are worth to be applied and promoted. However, many the essence of festivals culture is simplified continuously due to acceleration of industrialization society. Meanwhile, life is busy; people gradually forgot the cultural threads that antecedents have passed down People could understand the advanced cultural pride through abundant festival activities today in addition to leisure and entertainment. Nowadays, various emerging festival activities are held constantly in the local areas and they declare the generation of Taiwan culture consumption is coming. This study is to discover relating festival cultures of Taiwan, to digest culture characteristics and then to transform their elements into commercial value cultural products. The topic is “being good in every year”. Annual festivals are considered as a circle unit. The eight traits of Chinese New Year are the key of design. Diverse Chinese New Year events express the image of rituals of eliminating evils, praying good fortune, and cheerful reunion, so kinds of noisy rituals and ceremonies imply profound meaning beyond themselves. To make festivals culture united into daily supply, this study adopts eight well-known festivals as the core designs, combines works classified by four dimensions, food, clothing living and transportation with the image of distinguishing festivals. By compiling related theories of cultural products, the frame of cultural products transformed by the festival image leads to the image design of products. It makes users understand cultural implications of products more by interesting and story-like transformation. his study applies the natural material of wood, bamboo, leather, glass, canvas and Chai Si Cho to diversify daily supply. Products which show the cultural value of crafts make simple appearance of this creation can not only show the graphic of cultural vocabulary but also enhance the importance of sustainable development of cultural products.


運用台灣歲時節慶飲食文化於產品開發/ 江芷儀/國立臺北科技大學創新設計研究所
臺灣節慶之美 李豐楙/ 文化建設委員會指導/ 財團法人中華民俗藝術基金會 編輯
施百俊 (2009年2月) 美學經濟密碼。商周出版
臺灣年俗 圖繪/王灝 撰文/邱德宏


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黃立沂(2016)。文創設計在歷史古蹟的應用 以台南古蹟為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-0109201620512700

