  • 學位論文


Online social Media Addiction and Its Relationship with Indices of Personality and Life Satisfaction

指導教授 : 王淑玲


現今社會網際網路等電子應用科技快速發展,人與人之間的日常社交活動逐步轉化為線上的網路社群媒體,加上行動載具的高度普及下,導致網路社群媒體成癮現象。此成癮現象將對成癮者的健康產生負面影響,以及自我控制力下降和社交困難等,甚至對學校,家庭和工作產生干擾以及情緒障礙等的嚴重社會問題。 因此,本研究提出以個人特質為導向的自我調節構面、以網路使用行為的網路遊蕩構面、以人際交流為導向的依附焦慮構面以及以生活環境為導向的生活滿意度構面,運用個人特質、使用習慣、群體以及環境影響因素等四大構面進行對於網路社群媒體成癮之探討,以期分析網路社群媒體成癮的主要影響因子。 本研究將透過自我調節量表(Self-regulation Scale,SRS)、網路遊蕩量表(Cyberloafing Activities scale,CAS)、成人依戀量表(Adult Attachment Scale,AAS)、生活滿意度量表(The satisfaction with life scale,SWLS)、卑爾根網路社群媒體成癮量表(Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale,BSMAS),並以年輕族群(主要是大學生) 作為受測者進行問卷調查,探討自我調節、依附焦慮以及自我調節生活滿意度對於網路社群媒體成癮之影響效果,並且進一步探討網路社群媒體成癮對於生活滿意度之影響效果。 研究結果顯示:依附焦慮的個體渴望從網路社群媒體中獲得更多表達和工具功能,以致沉迷於網路社群媒體的機率更高。自我調節失敗的個體會導致更多的網路社群媒體使用行為,並可能發展成網路社群媒體成癮。而網路遊蕩行為的形成源自於自我調節過低亦造成對網路社群媒體成癮的積極影響。高度的自我調節將提升生活滿意度,而過度的依附焦慮將會降低生活滿意度。 最後本研究透過將受試者分為社交類型網路社群媒體使用者及娛樂類型網路社群媒體使用者進行進一步分析與討論,能夠更好的理解關於網路社群媒體使用型態對於各構面之間的影響。


With the rapid development of social internet and electronic technology, the daily interpersonal social activity has gradually transformed into online social media nowadays. Besides, the high popularity of mobile devices has led to the phenomenon of internet social media addiction. This phenomenon will harm the health of addicts, as well as the decline of self-control and social difficulties. Moreover, it may even cause serious social problems such as interruption and emotional disturbance in schools, families, and works. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the addiction of online social media by four aspects, including the Self-regulation oriented by personal characteristics, the Cyberloafing based on internet user behavior, the Attachment Anxiety oriented by interpersonal communication, and the Life satisfaction oriented by living environment. And by the dimensions including personal characteristics, usage habits, groups, and environment, the main factor of the online social media addiction will be analyzed and discussed. As for the survey of the research, through the scales including Self-regulation Scale (SRS), Cyberloafing Activities Scale (CAS), Adult Attachment Scale (AAS), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), the questionnaire was designed and focused on the young group (college students mostly), exploring how the Self-regulation, Attachment Anxiety, and Life satisfaction can impact on the online social media addiction. According to the result of the research: Firstly, the individuals with attachment anxiety are eager to get more ways for online media and self-expression, leading to a higher possibility for the addiction to online social media. Secondly, individuals with poor self-regulation will lead to more online social media behavior and may be addictive to media. Thirdly, the Cyberloafing which was formed from the lower Self-regulation can also cause a positive impact on the online social media addiction. Lastly, the higher Self-regulation will improve live satisfaction while the over Attachment Anxiety will lower the live satisfaction. The research divided the objects into the online social media users for social and entertainment leading to a better understanding of the further influence between the type of online social media usage and each aspect.


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