  • 學位論文


To Explore the Influence of Teleworking on Job Performance.

指導教授 : 李家瑩


近年來由於資通訊技術的崛起,為人們的生活與工作帶來的轉變。科技為日常帶來便利的同時,卻也產生了一些困擾,例如:無法有效地與工作夥伴溝通,而覺得自己總是被排除在團隊外、外在的工作環境影響工作效率與績效表現等。因此,本研究以曾參與遠距工作模式之工作者為研究對象,探討遠距工作對於工作者的需求滿足、組織承諾以及工作表現的影響。 本研究共回收146份有效問卷,並以SmartPLS進行分析與驗證,研究結果顯示頻率對組織承諾有正向顯著影響;靈活性對組織承諾有正向顯著影響;需求滿足對工作表現有正向顯著影響;組織承諾對工作表現有正向顯著影響。


In recent years, the rise of information technology has changed people's lives and work. While technology has brought convenience to daily life, it has also caused some troubles. For example, people are unable to effectively communicate with team members, and feel out of the loop from the team. Working not in the office leads to inefficiency and poor performance, etc. Therefore, workers who have teleworking experiences are the research target of this study. This study explores the impact of telework on workers’ needs satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance. A total of 146 valid questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling method, and analyzed by using SmartPLS. The results of the study showed that frequency and flexibility of remote work have a positive influence on organizational commitment. Needs satisfaction and organizational commitment have a positive influence on job performance.


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