  • 學位論文


A Study of the Use of Advertising Appeals and Graphic Signs in the Elderly Print Advertisements

指導教授 : 邱順應


高齡化的議題日益備受關注,台灣人口老化的速度遠比我們想像中的快速,據政府機關統計我國於2016年老年人口總數達311萬人,將首次超越十四歲以下兒童,而據文獻顯示台灣預估於2025年將進入超高齡社會。但高齡社會議題之下,其實隱藏著年齡歧視與年齡刻板印象等社會迷思,社會迷思為社會建構下的產物,經由政策法令與媒體操作等,因過度簡化文本中的資訊與角色形象而於民眾的認知中產生片面的判斷而形成。 由於研究者為設計相關背景,且對符號涵意和社會議題倍感興趣,因而擇定銀髮族平面廣告為研究目標,探究廣告裡銀髮族形象的圖像符號運用範疇以及其象徵意涵。又因為前端訴求策略會影響後端的圖像創作表現,於是納入表現訴求此項目,廣告樣本則針對台灣、中國、歐美之區域取樣樣本進行共同分析與討論。本研究之研究方法則運用文獻探討法、KJ法與符號學文本分法進行質性的研究分析,研究目的為:(1)從相關文獻分析中釐清老年刻板印象與迷思之相關理論與構成原因,並針對樣本的圖像符號進行象徵意涵的推論與解讀;(2)分析銀髮族平面廣告樣本中所運用之前端表現訴求策略,與後端廣告文本圖像符號之呈現;(3)分析國內外銀髮族平面廣告有何相異之處,提供國內平面設計類科與其他相關產業研究之意見與參考。本研究透過文獻及KJ法歸類出六大大項訴求:關心關懷訴求、關係訴求、情緒訴求、表現訴求、問題訴求、象徵訴求,以及25項的細目訴求;此外,本研究建議在圖像符號操作上可多嘗試運用動機程度高的照片做為設計的素材,降低創作時的主觀性與圖像的任意性,同時也能降低文本中圖像符號任意性所造成的錯誤解讀。至於在銀髮族圖像的運用上,建議呈現銀髮族更多的正面形象或是像歐美樣本中較為多樣的角色設定,其他畫面操作的觀念與建議可參考本研究章節中的相關論述。


There is growing concern about ageing of population as the population in Taiwan is ageing faster than expected. According to authorities, Taiwan’s elderly population has reached 3,110,000 by 2016, which exceeded that of children under 14 for the first time ever. It is also predicted that Taiwan will turn into a “hyper-aged” society by 2025. There are multiple issues associated with an ageing society, including age discrimination and stereotyping brought by myths about the elderly. These myths are socially constructed through policy, legislature and media due to the oversimplification of information and images, which results in a partial understanding among the general public. With a background in design and interest in semiotics and social issues, the researcher chose print advertisements targeting at the elderly as the subject and examined images of elderly people in these advertisements in terms of signs and their meanings. As part of the creative strategy, advertising appeal is critical to the final presentation, and is therefore taken into consideration. Samples were collected from advertisements across Taiwan, China, Europe and the United States for the subsequent comparative analysis and discussion. Using qualitative research methods, namely literature review, KJ method and semiotic textual analysis, this thesis aims to: (1) summarize theories and reasons behind stereotypes and myths about the elderly in literature review, which provides a theoretical framework for interpreting the meaning of signs used in the samples collected; (2) analyze print advertisements targeting at the elderly in terms of advertising appeals and the use of signs; (3) contrast Taiwan’s and overseas advertisements and offer recommendations and references for the design sector and other related industries in Taiwan. Through literature review and KJ method, 6 key advertising appeals are identified: care appeal, relationship appeal, emotional appeal, expression appeal, problem appeal and symbolic appeal, alongside 25 other secondary appeals. It is suggested that photographs, as highly motivated signs, could be used to avoid subjectivity and randomness of images, as well as the misunderstanding that might cause. As for the use of images of elderly people, positive images or varied characters observed in the samples from Europe and the United States are recommended. For other concepts and suggestions about composition, please refer to the relevant chapters of this paper.


