  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Probe into the Curation of Innovative Images in the Digital Age

指導教授 : 趙樹人


本研究以「數位時代創新影像策展初探」為題,探討後疫情時代,商業設計影像的表現運用及數位時代影像策展是否有創新的展示方式。研究初期,透過觀察法進行規劃與訪談大綱設計,再以深度訪談蒐集相關資料並依據文獻探討、研究動機與目的,自編『「生活取樣影像閱讀」趙樹人創新影像展』之問卷為調查工具。實證研究以生活取樣的「記半輩子的事」、「向左看向右看」、「就是那道光」、「他的樣子他的故事」、「花開堪折」等五個主題,篩選編輯成冊的影像閱讀體驗知覺探討。且因應後疫情時代生活型態改變,延續策展至數位網路,並將影片崁入Google線上問卷,藉以調查分析,得到研究結果。研究結論如下: 行動研究發現:一、實體策展展場佈置獲得觀眾讚賞。二、數位策展為未來策展趨勢。問卷分析顯示:個人背景變項調查發現,職業類別由於疫情嚴峻,影響生計,研究答題者待業及失業者達39.6%。量化資料分析則可見:整體策展規劃及主題呈現得到閱覽者肯定。「體驗知覺」的感受中以「知識性」、「情感性」得到最大的支持。提出建議為:實體展覽現場除影像作品外,建議可選擇製作大幅主題代表作品呈現於現場牆面,異業結合,增加五感體驗感受。


This research study titled "A Preliminary Exploration of Innovative Image Curation in the Digital Age" aims to explore the performance and application of commercial design images in the post-epidemic era and whether there is an innovative display method for image curation in the digital age. In the early stage of the research, planning and interviewing outline design were carried out through the observation method, and then in-depth interviews were used to collect relevant data. Then, based on literature discussion, research motivation and purpose, the self-compiled questionnaire of ""Life Sampling  Image Reading" CHAO SHU-JEN's Innovative Video Exhibition" was used as a survey tool. The empirical research is based on five themes of life sampling: "remember half a lifetime's events", "look left and look right", "is that light", "his appearance and his story", and "blooming flowers". A volume of video reading about experience perception is selected. In response to the changes in lifestyles in the post-epidemic era, the curation includes the digital network, and the video was embedded in a Google online questionnaire for investigation and analysis to obtain research results. The research conclusions are as follows: Action research found that: 1. The layout of the physical curatorial venue was appreciated by the audience. 2. Digital curation is the future curation trend. Questionnaire analysis showed that: the personal background variable survey found that the occupation category was affected by the severe epidemic, and 39.6% of the respondents were unemployed and unemployed. Quantitative data analysis shows that the overall curatorial planning and thematic presentation have been affirmed by readers. Among the feelings of "experience perception", "knowledge" and "emotion" are the most supported. Suggestions are: In addition to video works at the physical exhibition site, it is recommended to choose to produce large-scale representative works on the site wall. The combination of different industries increases the experience of the five senses.


