  • 學位論文


Differentiation-Oriented Business Model of the Leading LED Lighting Applications Producers in Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 賴明弘


本研究針對台灣(億光電子)(隆達電子)與中國大陸(三安光電)LED三家領導廠商做一系列的經營模式的探討與分析,採用綜合學者和次級資料分析法,先從目前LED照明產業環境與競爭現況分析發展概況、三家個案廠商LED 照明產品技術結構分析開始作初步探討,最後以三家公司為個案,探討公司在LED產業的經營模式,以經營模式八大模組變項,技術改善與創新、目標顧客群、顧客價值主張、核心策略流程、關鍵資源、利潤公式、價值網絡、競爭生態等做探討分析比較,如在LED 照明產業的組織設計、投資、併購、合資、研發、授權與專利佈局…等。透過上述分析資料及結果,本研究歸納出三家個案公司於LED照明產業的經營模式與差異化策略,並對應到台灣LED企業生態目前的發展狀況。 應積極與台灣上游以及下游終端應用客戶做垂直購併或策略合作整合,以期達到規模經濟,與完整產業價值鏈。對台灣企業發展LED 照明而言,當務之急除致力技術研發,累積自身專利之保護傘,鞏固全面的技術以維持企業及提升地位。以及對國外廠商的大規模授權動作亦必須要進行充分的研究與了解外,仍需借鏡歐、美、日經營LED 照明產業的方法與經驗,強化自身的經營模式與核心競爭策略,持續性的經營品牌形象為消費者及廠商建立信心。另一方面中國政府利用廣大內需市場,吸引外資廠商投資合作技術授權,許多廠商競相蜂湧進入中國市場,使其LED 產業蓬勃發展。在面對中國廠商的低價策略及技術提升、未來積極佈局新興市場、經營模式強化,都是台灣LED廠商須持續注意的議題。唯有經營模式的改變,才會帶領台灣 LED 照明產業進入一個輝煌與智慧的世代,在國際上才能占有一席重要的地位。


In this study, Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. and Lextar Electronics Corporation in Taiwan and San’an Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. In China, three LED leaders to do a series of reaserch and analysis of the business model, using an integrated academic and secondary data analysis. First it analysis the current environment and competitive of the LED lighting industry, then do the technical structure analysis of the three cases manufacturers LED lighting products. Finally the three companies as the case study to explore the company's business model, eight modules variables, included of the technological improvement and innovation, target customers, customer value proposition, core strategy process, key resources, profit formula, the value of the network, competitive analysis and comparison. Through these analyses, the result shows the company business model and the differentiation strategy in the LED lighting industry, and corresponds to the Taiwan LED enterprise ecosystem and the current state of development. The Taiwan LED companies should cooperate with the upstream and downstream customers to do vertical integration of acquisitions or strategic partnerships in order to achieve economies of scale and a complete industrial value chain. Taiwan LED lighting business development, the priority is committed to technology research and development in addition to the cumulative own patent to consolidate a comprehensive enterprise technologies to maintain and enhance the status. As well as foreign manufacturers of large-scale action must also be authorized to conduct adequate research and understanding, but still need to learn from Europe, America, Japan LED lighting industry operating methods and experience, strengthen its core business model and competitive strategy, sustained the brand image to build confidence for consumers and manufacturers. On the other hand, Chinese government use the majority of the domestic market to attract foreign manufacturers to invest in technology licensing cooperation, many vendors competing to flock into the China market. To face the low-cost strategy and growing technology of the Chinese manufacturers, the future actively layout emerging markets to strengthen the business model, it is all Taiwanese LED manufacturer must pay attention to the issue, but only to change the business model, will lead the Taiwan LED lighting industry into a brilliant and generations of wisdom in the international community to occupy a seat on an important position.


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