  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Interactions between Pet Robots and Children with Autism

指導教授 : 游曉貞


隨著機器人的開發技術逐漸成熟,應用於照護或教育方面的社交型機器人受到越來越多的國家重視,英國、日本等國家已著手開發專門用以提升自閉症兒童社會互動的不同型態機器人,希望藉由與社交型機器人的互動來輔助自閉症兒童溝通與社交能力。為了理解不同機器人資訊呈現的形式對我國具社交障礙症狀兒童的影響,作為我國未來開發此類輔助工具的設計建議,本研究採用二隻外表與互動性不同的機器寵物為實驗工具(市售玩具狗與樂高機器狗),分別記錄自閉症兒童與其互動之情形,並利用The observer XT將過程的錄影進行編碼與分析,以探討自閉症兒童對不同形式的機器寵物的反應與態度,以及不同機器寵物設計元素對其受測兒童的人機互動行為的影響。雖礙於實驗期間過短與受測樣本不足之限制,本研究仍歸納出幾項結論,作為我國未來開發此類特殊目的之機器寵物之初步設計建議:1. 機器寵物的質感(例如:毛皮) 對部分自閉症兒童是有影響的,可以增進人機之間的觸摸行為。2. 機器寵物除了順從的回饋外,抗拒的反應亦可引起部分自閉症兒童的注意力,觸發受測者對機器寵物狀態的關注。3. 本次使用之實驗工具為簡易之玩具狗與機器狗,有限的傳動馬達數量(影響可動關節數)限制機器寵物的姿態與動作,為更能逼真模擬寵物的狀態以吸引自閉症兒童或產生更細緻的互動行為,需要具更多傳動馬達的高階機器人套件。4.擁有多種感應器之機器寵物更能夠主動偵測自閉症兒童的行為,以觸發較多之人機互動。5. 適當的叫聲與動作可吸引自閉症兒童的目光,因此未來機器寵物的人機互動中在聲音與動作設計方面值得後續研究者繼續投入。


機器寵物 自閉症 社會互動


In recent years, the development of robot technology gradually become mature, a number of countries such as England and Japan concentrate on how to apply social robots in education, healthcare and domestic spheres; for example, they have launched diverse types of robots specifically to increase social interactions in children with autism and others. These social robots will assist autistic children in communication and also improve their social ability through interacting. The influence of different robots' data demonstration to autistic children who have social disorder will be the model of exploiting the system in the future. In this study, two different types of sample, toy dog and robot dog, have been used. These samples with diverse appearance are played by autistic children, and the whole process of the interaction with the samples will be recorded and analyzed. Moreover, this research will investigate the autistic children's reaction and attitude with different forms of pet robots, and how different design elements of pet robots affect the interaction between user and human computer. The recommendations for the design of robot dog are listed below. (1)The robot dog with fur can improve the behavior of touch. (2)Besides the feedback reaction, the reaction of rejection is easier inducing part of autistic children’s attention and concern. (3)Robot dog needs more prismatic joints, in order to be as natural as real dogs and do different actions to attract autistic children. (4)More types of sensor can create more human computer interaction. (5)The appropriate yelling and actions can attract the attention of children with autism.


Pet Robot Autism Social Interactions


蔡政宏(民100)。實現自閉症孩童之互動式機器人教學系統(碩士論文)。 取自取自臺灣博碩士論文系統。(系統編號099NCTU5449072)
