  • 學位論文


Photographic Creation Research of Dance Image for City Image Popularization-A Case Study of Taichung MRT

指導教授 : 趙樹人


現今攝影門檻越來越低,專業和業餘的界限日益模糊,社群媒體在數位時代人手一機的科技發展下快速普及,影像已成為現代人紀錄與分享的一種方式,更成為不亞於文字的溝通與傳遞手段。 本創作透過文獻探討、田野調查,梳理歷史脈絡,探討攝影、城市意象作為臺中捷運城市意象的表述,藉由臺灣體育運動大學舞者的意象靈動,運用攝影主體與畫面融合處理,展現出舞者、人與臺中市空間的關係。以前導研究試拍探討表達2019臺中市城市意象與舞者表現媒合的創意,於文化部文化資產園區策展「舞間城市」,自編半結構式「舞間城市攝影個展調查問卷」以網路連結藉由掃描填答問卷對參觀者作導覽及體驗知覺意見回饋調查,gooogle問卷回收有效問卷267份,經統計分析後,修正拍攝技巧及表述內涵,創作完成「舞間城市攝影畢業展」。 本創作藉由舞者意象探討捷運各站特色,以作品記錄紅、綠兩線各站的「興」、「革」,在歷史稍縱即逝的霎那,捕捉城市面貌變遷的「繼」、「往」,讓舞者的肢體情境闡述著大城市裡的前景與沒下的過往。創作展獲得回饋結論如下: 壹、城市行銷運用舞者意象的可行性被肯定。 貳、創作記錄城市變遷受認同。 參、舞者意象能凸顯城市行銷。


Nowadays when the threshold of photography is getting lower by lower.The boundary between professional and amateur is becoming increasingly blurred.With the rapid popularization of social media in the digital age with the development of technology,image has become a way for modern people to record and share.It become better than the text of communication and transmission means. Through literature discussion and field investigation, this work sorts out the historical context and discusses the expression of photography and city image of Taichung MRT.With the dancers of "National Taiwan University of Sport" at the integration of photographic and images,it shows the relationship between dancers with people and the space of Taichung.Trying out for studying leading to express Taichung city image and in 2019 at the "Cultural Heritage Park" exhibit "Dance with City".Make questionnaires and distribute them online.Gooogle questionnaire recycling effective questionnaire 267, after statistics analysis,the correction technique and expression connotation.Creation to complete the graduation exhibition " Dance with City" photography.. This creation explores the characteristics of MRT stations through dancers' images, and records the "rise" and "change" of red and green stations in the works. In the fleeting moment of history, it captures the "succession" and "future" of the changes of urban appearance, allowing the dancers' physical situation to elaborate the prospects and the past in the big city. The feedback of the exhibition is as follows: 1. The feasibility of city dancer imagery in urban marketing is affirmed. 2. Creation and recording of city changes are recognized. 3. The dancer imagery can increase the marketing of the city.


James R. Ryan(1997)。Picturing Empire: Photography and the Visualization of the British Empire,University of Chicago Press
Geoffrey Batchen(1999)。Burning with Desire: The Conception of Photography,MIT Press
Geoffrey Batchen(2000)。Each Wild Idea,MIT Press
Jordan Matter(2012)。Dancers Among Us,Workman Publishing
