  • 學位論文

家長對幼稚園評鑑認知與資訊需求之研究 -以台中市為例

A Study of Parents’ Knowledge toward Preschool Evaluation and Their Need of Information –To Take Taichung City for Example

指導教授 : 劉政淮


摘要 我國政府為引導幼兒教育正常發展與提升幼兒教育品質,於民國八十八年訂頒以五年為期的「發展與改進幼兒教育中程計畫」做為跨世紀的幼兒教育藍圖,其評鑑目的中增加了「提供民眾選擇績優幼稚園」,希望透過評鑑使得家長有機會了解學校的實際運作狀況,並藉由家長關注教育的力量來推動評鑑的發展,進而達到提升幼兒教育品質之功效。 基此,1.本研究針對台北市、台中市與高雄市等最近一次(即九十至九十五學年度)參與評鑑之幼稚園進行量化之實證分析,以探討其評鑑結果公告後,是否會對績優幼稚園之經營績效(主要指招生人數)造成影響。2.藉由焦點團體座談的方式預視問卷並透過參與家長之資訊回饋,重新修正問卷內容,俾以增強問卷的內容效度。3.以九十九學年度改制前台中市立案之私立幼稚園家長為研究母群體,採配額抽樣方式,進行問卷調查之施測。 研究發現:首先,九十至九十五學年度參與評鑑的台北市、台中市、高雄市經評定為績優之幼稚園,其下年度招生人數並無顯著增加。其次,焦點團體座談與問卷調查之結果顯示,教育主管機關在評鑑資訊傳遞上嚴重不足,導致家長無法將評鑑結果做為子女就讀之重要參考因素,但受訪家長對於評鑑仍抱持高度期待與正面之看法。再者,家長背景變項對評鑑認知及資訊需求之變異數分析中,家長之家庭角色、年齡、職業、教育程度、居住區域等不同,對於評鑑的認知均有顯著的差異。最後,教育部在九十年幼稚園評鑑之目的「提供民眾選擇績優幼稚園」立意雖佳,但因評鑑制度及結果並未適時、有效傳遞給家長,以致無法發揮其實質之功效,實屬可惜。


Abstract In order to develop and enhance the quality of preschool education in Taiwan, the government issued a five-year plan in 1999 as a national blueprint. The item, offering information for the public to choose superior preschools, was added in the purpose of evaluation to provide a chance for parents to have a better understanding of practical operation at school and reinforce the evaluation itself. The purpose of this study is to investigate the result of the latest evaluation in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung from 2001 to 2006 school year and examine the influence on next admission, mainly on the number of the students, at superior preschools. Focus Group Interview was adopted to strengthen the validity of the survey. Meanwhile, the survey was used and the parents both in public and private preschools in 2010 school year were chosen by Quota Sampling as research samples. The findings are as follows: first of all, the number of the students does not increase among those superior preschools. Secondly, according to the outcome of Focus Group Interview and the survey, the parents have high expectation and positive thinking toward the evaluation even though the parents are not able to regard the result of the evaluation as an essential factor of choosing schools for their children due to lack of information. Moreover, on the basis of ANOVE Analysis on the variables among the parents, the study shows that there is an obvious difference regarding the knowledge of the evaluation between parents from different roles of the family, ages, occupations, education, and living areas. To sum up, even though the government tried hard to make the evaluation work, it did not pass on the information to parents effectively. Therefore, it is a pity that the evaluation did not work well to enhance the quality of preschool education as the government wished.


