  • 學位論文


Wooden Household Objects Inspired by Wave Group Motifs

指導教授 : 謝寶泰


現代人壓力大,尋求放鬆成為一種必要,本人近幾年亦受壓力大之苦,尋求放鬆方法遂成為創作主題方向。在研究放鬆線條的視覺效果中,發現許多似波浪線條的造型,便由此連結到水波這個創作母題。同時,因學習木作而感覺壓力放鬆,故擬將水波紋與木作結合。 本創作先探討十一種水波--漣漪、緣波、蕩漾、自由波、強制波、行進波、界面波、內波、波群、反射波、繞射波--的類型及學理,再搜尋以往仿水波紋的創作實例,在小水池移動玻璃棒拍下各種波紋作為創作的依據,進行了七件仿水波紋的木作品實驗:「起飛」、「滾動」、「靜坐」、「照耀」、「祈禱」、「層疊」、「滑翔」。經檢討後,擬訂「水波群」這單項主題。 波群(a wave group)是一物件在平靜水面上等速移動所產生的兩側波動紋。例如,船在水面上移動所產生的水波紋。波群可以延伸到不平靜水面上所產生的波紋,也可延伸到不等速移動點之交叉產生之波紋。 本創作援用上述的波群概念,並參考其他波群圖,共完成十件木造生活用品:「夜遊」、「鞠躬」、「快走」、「展翅」、「運轉」、「舞動」、「對話」、「搖擺」、「歡笑」及「划動」。上列作品既有實用性,又具欣賞性。對本人而言,深沉的意義是觸摸及欣賞它們,能達到放鬆的效果。 本創作於展覽期間,以問卷調查44位男性及56位女性,約九成以上受訪者滿意此次創作展,且感受到平靜和放鬆。最被欣賞的前五名作品分別是「夜遊」、「展翅」、「運轉」、「對話」、「鞠躬」。此外,就造型方面,上述作品顯現了神秘感、流線感、透明感、富抽象意境、及現代感。上述分析結果,將作為本人未來創作方向的參考,以便作品更符合市場需求。


水波 波群 木造生活用品


Nowadays, people are under a lot of pressure, and it becomes necessary to look for ways to relax. I also have been under a great deal of pressure in recent years. Therefore, looking for ways to encourage relaxation has become a focus of my creative work. From the literature on the visual effect of relaxation graphics, I discovered many wave like patterns, which led to my research topic for the creative project based on water wave motifs. During the process of learning carpentry, I have felt relief from stress. This experience inspired me to apply water wave motifs to my woodworking project. The writer first discusses the eleven types of water waves and related theory, including concentric ripples, edge waves, rippling waves, free waves, forced waves, progressive waves, interfacing waves, internal waves, wave groups, reflected waves, and diffracted waves. Next, a review of the literature of creative projects inspired by water wave motifs was undertaken. For the pilot study on wooden household objects inspired by water wave motifs, photographs were taken of water wave action created by moving a glass rod in a tub. This research inspired the creation of seven wooden products named as follows: "Taking Off," "Rolling," "Meditating," "Shining," "Praying," "Piling Up" and "Gliding." After consultation with my advisor, it was decided that the topic of the project should be "wave group motifs." A wave group usually refers to the area of recirculating flow caused by a moving body at a consistent velocity on a calm water surface, such as the pattern of waves generated by a boat sailing on the water. A wave group can also be generated by a moving body at a non-uniform velocity on an agitated water surface. My creation of wooden household objects originated from the idea of wave groups as described above. I also researched references to wave group motifs from other sources, and produced ten wooden artworks named as follows: "Roaming at Night," "Bowing," "Scurrying," "Spreading Wings," "Circulating," "Dancing," "Talking," "Swaying," "Laughing" and "Rowing." The above-mentioned wooden household products were made for the dual purposes of practicality and aesthetic appeal. From my own perspective, they are meant to encourage a sense of relaxation, for touching and for personal enjoyment. A questionnaire was designed to see whether or not these ten wooden household objects would be popular in the marketplace. Forty-four men and fifty-six women responded to the questionnaire after viewing the exhibition of my graduation project. Overall, about ninety percent of respondents expressed satisfaction with the displayed artwork, indicating that they felt peaceful and a sense of release. The top five favorite pieces were "Roaming at Night," "Spreading Wings," "Circulating," "Talking," and "Bowing." Regarding style, these five pieces reportedly exhibited the characteristics of: mysteriousness, streamlined feelings, transparency, an abstract state of mind, and modernity. I will take this feedback into account for future creative projects in order to satisfy the demands of the marketplace.


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專 書
王立文、簡婉、陳意欣、曾博聖、林吳尊明 (2007) 流體藝術,臺北,國家圖書館
