  • 學位論文


Research on Curatorial and Audience Interaction -Take the calligraphy exhibition as an example

指導教授 : 趙樹人


科技的進步及資訊普及帶動人們生活環境改變,提升社會大眾 對美學的追求與想像,展覽不再只是單調的陳列商品,更多的是美 學的思考與技術的運用,本研究以書法展為例,探討策展與觀眾之間 的互動關係。 研究採用個案研究法(Case Study)與藝術家康乙任進行溝通,以 「快閃」形式策辦「快閃書法-康乙任書法展」展覽,將活動紀錄影 片上傳至網路,採用半結構式問卷,對觀看活動影片之填答者進行分 析,探討觀眾對於創新書法展的好感程度,歸納出研究結論如下: 一、創意快閃活動三場次,書法作品以人體展版展示,結合不同媒 材,利用快閃的群聚效益達到有效呈現。 二、活動紀錄剪輯成影片,利用網路社群平台,成功讓書法走出戶 外,讓更多人關注此次活動。 三、國美館,走入館內融入畫中,形成另類效果,達到快閃的意 義;科博館,以群聚的快閃方式,達到活動效果;勤美術館, 邀請康乙任老師現場揮毫,展現藝術之美、與生活美學連結。


Great improvement on technology change the ways people's living condition; furthermore elevate the pursuit and imaginationl of aesthetic. Nowadays the exhibitions are not just display of goods but more aesthetic and technology are involved. The study of calligraphy exhibition explores audience’s responses and how it interacts with audience. The research adopted Case Study by consulting with artist and took the form of Flash Exhibition calligraphy. The complete process was recorded and uploaded to the Internet. A semi- structured questionnaire was formatted to analyze the respondents who watched the video explore their positive attitude towards such innovative exhibition, and eventually summarise the conclusion of the research as follows : One. Calligraphic works are displayed on body editions. Combined with different media, they are effectively presented using the flash clustering . Two. The artist participated in the flash and led the audience to sway calligraphy on the spot to form a moving image and show results. Three. Art Museum to integrate into the painting, to achieve the meaning of flash; Science Museum in a cluster of flash, to achieve the effect of activities; CMP Block Museum, invited artist live on the spot, Demonstrate the beauty of art and link with the aesthetics of life. Key Words:Curate, Interactive art, Calligraphy,Flash mob


Curate Interactive art Calligraphy Flash mob


王育英、梁曉鶯 譯:Bernd H. Schmitt(2000),體驗行銷,初版,經典
