  • 學位論文

探討個人線上自我揭露行為之前置變數及影響 以FG時尚美妝傳媒之論壇為例

Investigating the antecedents and consquences of online self-disclosure: An empirical validation of Fashion Guide website.

指導教授 : 李家瑩


探討個人線上自我揭露行為之前置變數及影響 以FG時尚美妝傳媒之論壇為例 學生:戴婉如 指導教授:李家瑩 國立台中科技大學企業管理系事業經營碩士班 摘要 隨著資訊科技的快速發展,人們漸漸由面對面的溝通移轉至利用網路方式與他人聯繫互動,人際溝通互動中其中一項特點就是自我揭露,透過自我揭露,人們可以揭露自己的意見及態度,或是單純情緒和情感上的抒發。然而,過去文獻主要著墨於個人利益或是人際關係的建立而衍生而來的自我揭露行為,鮮少探討對自我揭露行為是否因為在網路情境的不同或個人的差異下,對個人自我揭露程度會有所影響。此外,過去對自我揭露行為所產生的影響之研究,大多著重在自我揭露對於使用者自身的影響,較少探討自我揭露對廠商端所產生的影響。因此,本研究以Omarzu(2000)所提出揭露決策模型(Disclosure Decision Model, DDM)為基礎,抽樣對象為曾經使用過FG時尚美妝傳媒之使用者為對象,探討情境面的社會臨場感及網路特性,及個人面的五大人格特質,對自我揭露程度的影響,並更進一步探討自我揭露對於個人習慣影響,及對於廠商產生的情感性承諾與持續性承諾。最後,依據研究結果提出了相關的結論與建議,以提供商業論壇廠商作為經營社群網站時之參考依據。 關鍵詞:自我揭露、社會臨場感、網路特性、五大人格特質、習慣、情感及持續承諾


Investigating the antecedents and consquences of online self-disclosure: An empirical validation of Fashion Guide website. Student:Wan-Ju Tai Advisors:Dr. Chia-Ying Li Department of Business Administration National Taichung University of Science and Technology for the Degree of Master of Business Administration Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, people gradually use Internet to interact with others, instead of face-to-face communication. One characteristic of interpersonal interactions is self-disclosure. Through self-disclosure, people can express their thoughts, attitudes or emotions. However, previous studies with regard to self-disclosure mainly focus on personal benefits or interpersonal relationships. Few studies investigate the antecedents of self-disclosure, such as network situations or personal differences. In addition, previous studies mostly shed lights on the impacts of self-disclosure on the users, rather than on the owners of Internet platforms. Based on the Disclosure Decision Model (DDM) proposed by Omarzu (2000), this study investigates the influences of social presence and network characteristics (situational perspective), and the influences of the five personality traits (personal perspective) on self-disclosure. This study further explores the impact of self-disclosure on habit and affective commitment and continuing commitment toward the owners of Internet platforms. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data from the respondents who have ever used Fashion Guide website. The research findings would provide suggestions and recommendations for the owners of Internet platforms to enhance users’ disclosure behaviors. Keywords: Self-disclosure; Social presence; Network characteristics; Five personality traits; Habit; Affective and continue commitment


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