  • 學位論文


Empathy Notions Applied to Package Design of Luxurious Chocolate

指導教授 : 謝寶泰


台灣已演變為M型社會,其所衍生的新奢華消費特徵,意指價格及服務體驗皆為中上階級,但消費族群鎖定中下階級,提供該族群感覺得不到但願意努力獲得的商品服務。而吸引該族群之主要因素為滿足心靈體驗,即找尋與內心產生共鳴之商品。欲使商品與消費者起共鳴,需引發深層的生活記憶印象,而共感(empathy)即為引發記憶印象方法之一。根據文獻,巧克力可產生愉悅感,並符合新奢華所需各條件之商品,因此本研究以巧克力包裝樣本為共感的研究對象,意圖找出新奢華之共感設計要素。 本研究分三階段進行,第一階段蒐集近年來有關巧克力相關文獻,歸納分析現況發展及設計情形。第二階段樣本篩選,以台中地區百貨自營超市販售之巧克力樣本為主,針對巧克力包裝中「圖形」、「文字」、「色彩」等表現形式特色與差異實施KJ法分類。第三階段針對「受訪者基本資料」以及「包裝圖像語意」進行調查。研究結果如下:1.圖形表現經KJ法分類,共有「聚會分享類」、「都會輕食類」、「安心信任類」、「新奇設計類」、「中性剛硬類」、「高級禮盒類」、「品牌節日類」7種族群。 2.SD語意意象分析結果以SPSS進行統計,將巧克力包裝圖像導出「寵愛自己」、「探索」、「展現個人風格」、「人際關係」四個情感體驗上的共感設計要素。3.利用獨立樣本T檢定分析,發現同一圖像中,男女對陰暗的-可愛的、冷淡的-熱情的、古板的-誘人的、低俗的-有品味的上述之語意形容詞看法有差異。另外,對冷漠的-親切的、無趣的-新奇的、雜亂的-理性的、印象深刻的-印象淡薄的上述之語意形容詞看法並無太大差異。 建議後續研究1.針對巧克力包裝的設計意象調查,做更細部的分類,如針對造形、文字進行深入探討研究,以找出更貼近新奢華語彙意象之設計要素。2.本研究將新奢華四大情感構面之設計要素以具體的文字簡述之,期望後續者可用本研究所探討之設計要素為基礎,實際設計出成品並進一步比對及進行消費者驗證。


In the process of evolving into a M society, the new luxury consumer characteristics derived refers to the middle to upper class level of price and service experiences. Nonetheless, the consumer groups are targeted to the middle to lower class, providing the products and services which they could not retain but are willing to work for them. The main factor that attracts the group is to fulfill spiritual experience, namely to search for products that appeal to inside of consumers. To appeal the products with the consumers, a profound life experience and impression must be triggered while empathy is one of the methods for triggering memory and impression. Literatures show that chocolate can generate a sense of pleasure which is a product in line with the various conditions required for new luxury. Hence, the paper applies the chocolate package sample as the study objects in attempt to search for the design element for the empathy of new luxury. The study is divided into three stages, whereas the first stage collects all literatures related to chocolate with inductive analysis on the overview development and design situations. The second stage screens the samples based on the chocolate samples sold at the supermarkets of department stores in Taichung. The presentation of the “image,” “text” and “colors” in chocolate package and the difference are implemented with KJ category. A survey on the “respondent basic data” and “package and image semantics” is implemented at the third stage. The study results are the following: 1. The image presentation is categorized by KJ, which contains seven groups including “party sharing,” “urban light meals,” “trusted brand,” “novelty design,” “neutral and rigid,” “high-end gift,” and “brand and holidays.” 2. The results of SD Semantic Diffusion is carried out by SPSS to derive the four empathy design elements of the four emotional experiences, namely “spoil oneself,” “exploration,” “exhibition of personal style,” and “interpersonal relationship” in chocolate package images. 3. The independent sample t-test analysis shows that there is difference between man and women for the following contrary semantic description, namely for gloomy and lovely, cold and passionate, stubborn and seductive, vulgar and tasteful. Additionally, there is no difference for the following semantic description, namely cold and friendly, boring and novelty, messy and rational, impressive and no impression. It is recommended for the follow-up researches to: 1. Conduct survey on the design image of chocolate package with more detailed categorization, such as shape and text to find out the design elements closer to the image of new luxury semantics. 2. The study briefly expounds to the design elements of the four emotional constructs in new luxury, in attempt to apply the design elements as the basis of study, in order to design a practical product by further comparison and implementation of consumer verification.


