  • 學位論文


The Research of Mobile Payment User Trust in Taiwan

指導教授 : 連俊瑋


近年來,行動支付服務在全球有著快速的發展,我國自2015年行動支付元年以來也正積極推動行動支付,行政院更訂出2025年全台行動支付市佔率達90%之目標。然而自2015發展至今我國行動支付依然呈現緩步成長的趨勢,普及率距離目標仍有一段距離。再加上近兩年行動支付遭盜刷、交易資訊遭竊的事件頻傳,亦導致許多使用者信任相關的問題產生。過去在資訊管理領域中已有許多研究證實信任(Trust)在行動支付服務的使用意圖上佔有重要的地位,顯著的影響使用者們透過行動支付進行交易,然而綜觀過去可以發現在學術研究中,研究者同樣使用「信任」一詞,但其研究的信任標的卻不盡相通。因此本研究綜整過去15年來在行動支付環境中與信任相關的研究,整理出四種不同的信任對象,並結合這四種信任對象、信任轉移理論與延伸型整合性科技接受模式(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2, UTAUT 2)提出一整合性架構,並採用問卷調查法,對我國行動支付的持續使用意圖做更完整深入的研究。從研究結果中本研究提出以下三項主要發現,首先,本研究綜整了過去研究中多元的信任對象,並驗證了這四種信任對象各自的重要性,依照重要程度由高到低依序為對行動裝置的信任、對行動支付服務提供商的信任、對提供行動支付店家的信任、以及重要程度最低的對行動網路服務商的信任。其次,本研究亦發現在我國使用環境中,社會影響對行動支付持續使用意圖的影響與過往研究結果不同,有著顯著的負向影響。最後,本研究依據各影響因素的結果對行動裝置品牌業者、行動支付服務提供商、以及提供行動支付的商家分別提出實務上的建議,提供未來研究人員與實務界進行參考。


Recent years, mobile payment has become more and more mature around the world. Taiwan is no exception since 2015 it had been announced and promoted actively. The Executive Yuan of Taiwan also proposed the goal of reaching a 90% penetration rate in 2025. Despite this, the mobile payment is still developing slowly in Taiwan. Moreover, the credit card fraud issue also triggers the user trust problem. Additionally, many studies confirm mobile payment trust are the key success factor that significantly affects users' intention to use mobile payment services. However, through the literature review, we find that many different trustees exist in the previous studies. Therefore, based on the result of reviewing the past fifteen years of related literature. We classify four kinds of trustees when using mobile payment. By integrating above four trustees, trust transfer, and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), this study proposed an integrated model to understand the antecedent of mobile payment continuous use intention. Through online questionnaire survey, we propose the following three major findings. First, we propose the importance of these four kinds trustees from high importance to low importance is trust for mobile device, trust for mobile payment service provider, trust for store, respectively, and the relatively unimportant is trust for mobile service provider. Second, we find the social influence has significant negative impact to mobile payment continuous use intention in Taiwan. Finally, we discussed the implications of these findings and offered directions for future research.


Mobile payment Trust Trust transfer UTAUT 2


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