  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis on the Operating Efficiency of Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan-Application of Network DEA

指導教授 : 黃淑惠


2016年台灣壽險業又擴大了市場規模,不但保險滲透度世界第一,保險密度亞洲第二, 保費收入達到 845 億美元,排名世界第九,這樣的表現代表的是台灣民眾喜歡買保單,帶動壽險市場的蓬勃發展,但保費收入的成長是否只重「量」而不重「質」,也就是忽視了壽險經營「效率」的問題。 過去採用傳統的資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA),進行壽險業經營效率分析者,通常把壽險公司之運營過程視為一個整體的“Blackbox”黑箱進行評估,就是單一的投入單一的產出來衡量,可能會產生誤判。因此,本研究運用 Kao and Hwang(2014)提出之多期二階段網絡資料包絡分析法(Network Data Envelopment Analysis,NDEA),首次嘗試將壽險公司生產過程拆解成四階段進行衡量,可以「打開黑箱」了解無效率的生產階段。 本研究以台灣 22 家壽險公司為樣本,研究期間2013-2017年,並以 Malmquist生產力指數探討研究期間生產力變動之情形,研究結果提供相關單位之參考。實證結果發現:(一)壽險業普遍存在低效率 (二)市佔率低的壽險公司具有較高的效率(三)生產力表現與總效率得分並不一致。


In 2016, Taiwan’s life insurance industry has achieved great Market size. Not only is insurance penetration the highest in the world, insurance density is the second in Asia, with premium income reaching US$84.5 billion, ranking ninth in the world. This performance represents a high degree of risk awareness among Taiwanese citizens. It also brings prosperity to the life insurance market, but it is worrying whether such high growth only emphasizes "quantity" rather than "quality", that is, it ignores the problem of "efficiency." In the past, traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to analyze the life insurance industry efficiency. However, the assessment of the life insurance company's operation process as a whole “Blackbox” may be misleading.. Therefore, this study used a multi-period Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA), which for the first time attempted to decompose the life insurance company (DMU) operation process into four phases. Measured by taking Taiwan's 22 life insurance companies as samples, from 201 to 2017, the Malmquist Productivity Index was used to discuss changes in efficiency. The empirical results show that: (1) The life insurance industry generally has low efficiency (2) Life insurance companies with low market share have higher efficiency; (3) Productivity performance and total efficiency score are not consistent.


李永全 (2001),「台灣壽險業產業結構及獲利能力與管理績效關係之研究」,風險
管理學報,第三卷,第二期,第47-80 頁。
