  • 學位論文


Study on sales model and key success factors of product which made in Taiwan in overseas markets

指導教授 : 顏憶茹


近年來,全球貿易環境面臨快速的變化,伴隨科技的發展以及運輸網路的完備,境外銷售已成為我國供應商主要的收入來源,企業若要提升在國際市場上的競爭力,勢必需要制定成功的銷售策略。 本研究依臺灣產製商品跨境銷售模式與物流服務分析(工業技術研究院,2015)提出的優勢產業,包含食品飲料、金屬製品、機械設備、運輸工具及其配件、與綜合民生用品等類別,共計95份問卷來進行研究。 首先以問卷歸納法彙整業者所填答問卷之結果(廠商基本資料、營運困境、銷售現況),了解產業如何將產品進行境外市場銷售,繪製出AS-IS境外市場銷售現況(貿易條件、市場布局、移轉途徑、銷售方式與收/付款方式)。接著運用主成分分析將關鍵成功因素進行分類,依產業別篩出業者認為較具重要性的關鍵成功因素。最後再針對其營運困境,進行可行策略的衍展,擬定TO-BE可行模式,期能提供政府相關單位及業者在境外市場銷售營運發展方向之參考。


In recent years, global trade environment is facing rapid change. With the development of technology as well as complete transport networks, overseas sales have become our country main source of revenue for suppliers. The enterprise want to enhance the competitiveness in the international market, will be needed to develop successful marketing strategies. In this study, we used the advantages of industry data collected by the project of ITRI named “Analysis on cross-border sales model and logistics services of goods which made in Taiwan”. It is a total of 95 samples including food and beverage, metal products, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, and consumer goods orients. First, we aggregated industry respondents in terms of basic information, operation difficulties and sales to understand how to sale production to overseas, then use the AS-IS model to describe overseas markets' sales including terms of trade, market layout, transfer way, sales approaches and payment method. Second, we use principal components analysis to classify the key success factors and screen out more important key success factors of different industries. Finally, for the operational difficulties, we derive the viable strategy and showed it by TO-BE model to provide a reference of the relevant government institutions and industry in the overseas market development.


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