  • 學位論文


A New Fingerprinting System Based on Gray Scale Watermarking and Hamming Code

指導教授 : 陳同孝 游耿能


在網際網?普及的今日,?位影像可以輕?的大?重製散佈,且散佈的複本 與原始檔案內容完全相同的特性,使得智慧財產權的保護問題面??重大的挑 戰。為遏止非法散佈複本影像的?為發生,影像創作者可以運用?位指紋技術, 在每一張授權影像複本中,藏入唯一的使用者身份?別碼,藏入的?位浮水印, 如同指紋一般可有效追查複本影像的散佈情況,並且指認這些複本為合法授權或 非法盜版。然而有心盜版者必將設法破壞藏在複本中的?位指紋,運用影像處? 軟體,即可輕?的將同一影像的多張複本,自每張複本中各自取出部份小塊拼圖, 再將這些拼圖貼合為一張新的影像複本。或將同一影像的多張複本,對每一相同 位置的像素取平均值,再以平均值為新影像複本的像素值,以這二種簡?的?謀 方式,即可破壞影像中的?位指紋。觀察分析這二種攻擊的破壞結果,?會造成 指紋影像,重疊混淆的現像,使得難以取回與偵測出指紋影像中的字元符號為何, 而且即使順?取回,身份?別碼的每個重疊字元,但重疊而造成巨?的可能排?, 難以推?何種排?方式才是指紋正確的身份?別碼。因此本文基於?散餘弦轉換 之灰階浮水印作為藏入與取回?位指紋的基礎技術,以及應用漢明偵錯碼,提出 可抵抗?謀的?位指紋編碼與偵測方法。應用灰階影像較二值圖像有較大的容錯 值域,加強指紋扺抗?謀攻擊破壞的能?,將指紋字元符號設計成黑白分明的方 格型?,採用預?容錯空間的策?,因此即使受到大??謀攻擊,取回的指紋影 像中,仍可分辦出是那些字元重疊在一起,而且字元以漢明偵錯編碼,將字碼與 字碼之間建?相互推演真偽的?輯關係,藉由這一?輯關係即可確認指紋字碼排 ?的正確性。實驗結果顯示即使有多人?謀合成一張非法的?位影像,本文提出 的?位指紋偵測系統,仍能有效的在被受攻擊的?位影像中,偵測出疑犯名單, 提供檢調單位用以追查非法散佈者的線?,達到遏阻盜版者非法散佈影像,以達 到保護影像的智慧財產權的目的。


As the internet becomes more and more popular, there is also an increased use of digital images on it. However, protecting intellectual property rights and keeping tracks of end-users with rights to use similar copies of a digital image have become extremely important and urgent. To prevent piracies of images, finger printing techniques have been applied to images before they are being distributed. The fingerprint can be a unique ID that will be hidden in each image. The fingerprint can be retrieved later on to prove the ownership of the image or who the legal users are. However users could collude to tamper with the images to generate copies of tampered images for illegal purposes. One collusion method is to take parts from different legal copies and pieced them together to form a newly colluded image. That is the colluded image contained parts from several authentic fingerprinted images. Another kind of collusion is to average each overlapping pixels from several legal copies to create a colluded copy. The hidden fingerprints would be corrupted in the colluded images from being made up of parts from several other fingerprint images or by averaging, respectively. In this thesis, the proposed fingerprint technique applies the discrete cosine wavelet transform on the original image whereby a gray fingerprint image would be hidden in the transformed domain. The gray fingerprint image consists of a unique ID code. During recovery, Hamming code is used to improve the quality of the recovered fingerprint ID in the event it is corrupted by collusion. Experimental results show that the fingerprint technique is resistant to collusion attacks. In fact the IDs of the colluders could be identified and used to prove the rightful ownership of the image and also to pinpoint the colluders.


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