  • 學位論文


Tourist Hotels’ Internal Marketing Effects on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention

指導教授 : 鄭瑞昌 博士 蔡招仁 博士


隨著價值觀的演進,人們對休閒活動日趨重視,國內的觀光休閒產業,儼然成為現今蓬勃發展及備受矚目的產業之一,加上政府對外又積極推動觀光客來台旅遊,制定觀光客倍增計劃,使得觀光旅館的需求量日益增加,然而,台灣觀光旅館持續發展的趨勢,將可能為同業間帶來相互競爭關係。而旅館業的競爭力,除了要有較為優勢的設備及創新的環境等有形資產外,最重要的無非是旅館業內員工所提供的服務及態度等無形資產,因為員工的服務態度,會影響顧客的滿意度和回流率,所以員工應被視為旅館業的寶貴資產,對旅館業而言,若要有絕佳的競爭能力與發展,優秀員工的留任,應為旅館業積極重視的問題之一。 本研究旨在探討觀光旅館業員工離職之原因,了解觀光旅館實行內部行銷如何影響員工之工作滿足感受,進而探討是否影響員工之離職傾向,希望藉此能夠了解影響員工離職傾向之因素。而本研究於民國九十七年二月十八日至民國九十七年三月二十三日止,發放315份問卷,回收182份,扣除無效樣本數22份,總計有160位為有效樣本。結果發現:對觀光旅館業而言,若要有絕佳的競爭能力與發展,優秀員工的離職,應為旅館業積極避免之處,因此旅館應積極增加年資較短之員工、女性員工、非主管對觀光旅館的實行內部行銷的認同感,及提高員工對工作之滿意程度,俾能為觀光旅館留住優秀人才,進而增加觀光旅館之競爭力。


People have paid attention to their recreational activities gradually with social value changes. Taiwan traveling related industry has developed rapidly in reflecting to government’s plans in increasing domestic and inbound tourism. Due to the tourism development, lodging industry has become a more competitive industry than last decade. Besides concreted building and equipments for daily operations, employees are considered the most important asset in a hotel. The quality of customer services will directly reflect to the numbers of repeated customers. Therefore, be able to retain qualified and valuable employees has become an important issue in the lodging industry. This research aims to investigate employees’ retention and relationship between internal marketing and employee’s satisfaction in tourist hotels in Taiwan. After 160 valid questionnaires collected from tourist hotels, this research found that Taiwan tourist hotels need to pay attention on employees’ satisfaction in order to maintain good customer services and biter employee retention. Furthermore, tourist hotels should emphasis internal marketing on new employees, female employees, and non- supervisors to have a consensus on the value of internal marketing and company goals. Once the positive and satisfied working environment has been developed, a tourist hotel will be able to keep its good employees and increased its competitive ability within a tourist hotel segment in Taiwan.


