  • 學位論文


A Study of Broadband Video Commercial Matching System

指導教授 : 許永洲


網際網路與傳統媒體如電視、廣播、書報雜誌一樣,都需要靠廣告做為主要的收入來源。為了吸引目標閱聽眾的目光,網路廣告的呈現方式也隨著時間與科技的改變越來越具多樣性,在眾多廣告型態之中,以串流技術為基礎所製作的網路廣告,結合了動態(聲音、視訊)和靜態(文字、圖片)形式的內容,提供即時聆聽或觀賞商品資訊的功能,能讓閱聽眾對品牌認知(Brand Awareness)有較深切的印象。 由美國互動廣告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau, IAB)對此類型廣告,命名為寬頻影音廣告(Broadband Video Commercial),提供製作寬頻影音廣告的指導方針,寬頻影音廣告與傳統橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)最大的不同點在於具有時間軸特性的串流影片,寬頻影音廣告常被寬頻影音網站用於插播在串流節目中,有鑑於寬頻影音業者多以電話和電子郵件承接廣告業務、人工安排廣告播放的方式缺乏效率。 本研究的主要目的是以寬頻影音廣告為主體,建置一個網路廣告媒合系統,除了具備會員申請和廣告刊登的前端介面外,透過系統媒合機制將廣告主設定的廣告標的條件與使用者偏好做配對,讓廣告主能針對目標顧客群進行個人化廣告推播。期望利用資訊技術將廣告刊登與廣告媒合的過程自動化,提升廣告業務的效率,增加廣告主刊登廣告的意願與寬頻影音業者廣告營運的收入。


The main source of revenue of Internet and traditional media are advertisement. In order to grab consumers' attention, presentation of Internet advertising comes with more varieties and diversities with innovated technologies as time goes by. Due to the popularization of the Broadband network, Internet advertisement utilizes streaming technology to transmit sound or video-information through the network, and provides real-time listening or viewing of goods information to reinforce consumers’ impression on Brand Awareness. This type of advertising is named as Broadband Video Commercial by the American Interactive Advertising Bureau. The greatest difference between Broadband Video Commercial and traditional banner advertisement is that Broadband Video Commercial has streaming films with the characteristic of timeline. Broadband Video Commercial is often inserted among stream programs by broadband video websites. We observed inefficient ways how most broadband video websites owners receive advertisement businesses via telephone and E-mail, and manually arrange the broadcasting of advertisement. The main purpose of this study is to build an Internet advertisement matching system. Through the match system, advertisers are able to publish personalized advertisement to target customer group by matching advertisement conditions with users’ preferences. It is anticipated to automate the process of publish advertisement and match advertisement target consumer groups by using information technology, and further raise advertisers’ willingness to advertise, and increase broadband video sites’ sales revenue.


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