  • 學位論文


The Color Images on Urban Shopping Areas—Taipei XinYi Commercial District as an Example

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


本研究以台北市信義形象商圈為對象,範圍以商圈內其空中走廊與橋樑所串連的百貨購物中心為主要目標群。經過文獻歸納探討,並做現況環境色彩實地與實測調查,針對設計系學生與台北民眾做問卷調查,使用色相?色調尺度表與色彩形象尺度表兩套系統作為分析工具。依據研究分析結果來推論商圈色彩意象構成、流行性與色彩在環境中的作用等關連性彙整於研究中,茲將結果摘述如下: 台北信義商圈環境擁有主要的基礎代表色,色相有R、BG、B等,色調在Lgr、L、Gr之間,主要無彩色在N4至N7間,而且環境整體色彩呈現是具有協調感的。符合商圈的形容語彙有:「都會的」、「時髦摩登的」、「時尚高雅」、「年輕的」、「浪漫的」、「有特色的」、「豪華的」等七個代表性環境色彩意象。 台北信義商圈的都會形象呈現與民眾的認知感覺是相符合且成功的,因此,未來在其他城市同性質的商圈在規劃設計過程中,應加入考量環境色彩所具有的影響。而流行色不但可以反映當時環境社會、經濟、文化、人性心理的時代背景,若有效掌握也能夠提昇台北市形象,達到在國際上城市行銷之目的。另外,獨具特色的呈現是形象商圈成立時所必須達成的一項重要特質。商圈外的自然環境色彩、季節的色彩及光影的變化作用,皆會影響甚至牽動著人心理及生理作用的變化。信義空橋的無彩色運用,並不是以標識商圈色彩為主要目的,而是利用無彩色來做為背景色與對空間上動靜之間的連結機能,這也完全與無彩色的運用原理作用相同,成功地將信義商圈環境色彩連結,本研究實證也證明了信義空橋色彩運用合乎色彩原理,無彩色具有與任意色彩搭配協調及連結的作用,並增加了過去理論未有的實證。綜合研究成果,政府單位對環境色彩應積極的明定法規;學校教育應更重視環境色彩的課程規劃,使我們的未來城市環境有美好的色彩意象。


The Color Images on Urban Shopping Areas—Taipei XinYi Commercial District as an Example. Student:Chun-Chia Chen Advisors:Ya-Ching Huang Graduate School of Commercial Design National Taichung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT This research has tried to analyze Taipei XinYi Image Shopping Area, and it focus on the department stores which are linked by the sky ways and the sky bridge in the shopping area. After the literature review and the local environmental image investigation, a questionnaire is designed and filled by the students from Design Departments and Taipei habitants. It uses Hue & Tone Scale, and Color Image Scale to analyze the experimental results. Based on the result, it infers the effect on the environment from image shopping areas, popularity, and the color image. It summarizes: For Taipei XinYi Image Shopping Area, the hue consists of R, BG, and B; the saturation is among Lgr, L, and Gr; the main colors are between N4 to N7 and the environmental color is harmonious. Also, there are seven expressions represent the environmental color image in the Area: “Metropolitan”, “Modern”, “Fashionable”, “Young”, “Romantic”, “Special”, “Luxurious”. The environmental image of Taipei XinYi Image Shopping Area successfully matches the cognition of the people; therefore, this research suggests that it should consider the effect of environmental color when designing the other shopping areas in the future. The popular color can not only reflect the contemporary society, economic, culture and humanity, but also help improve the Taipei city image and city marketing. Besides, it is important to reach an unique characteristic when setting up an image shopping area. The nature environment color, color of seasons, and the light-shadow interaction out of the shopping centers will all have mental and physical effects on people. The use of neutral in the XinYi sky bridge is not part of the marking business circle color; instead, the neutral plays as a background color and space in between tendency, static linked function. This fully follows the theory of the use of neutral and successfully links with the environmental color of XinYi Shopping Area. This research also supports that the color use of the XinYi sky bridge well matches the Color Theory. The empirical result shows that the neutral can harmoniously link with any other color and this is the main contribution from this research. Based on this research, it suggests the authority make clear policy on environmental color and the schools make proper class schedules for environmental color. This will help build a splendid color image for the future cities. Keywords:Color Image,Environmental Color, Image Shopping Areas , Taipei XinYi Shopping Area


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