  • 學位論文


On the Design and Application of a Webcam-based User Interface for Accessing Digital Content

指導教授 : 游耿能 黃秀美


本研究旨在探討人機互動設計發展現況,並輔以電腦視覺技術,應用網?攝影機為互動工具,設計一套人本互動的應用系統,並進行介面評估。 隨著普適計算技術的普及,人們需要更方便的方式與數位裝置溝通,人們該享受數位環境所帶來無所不在的服務,目前研究者無不卯足全力朝這個目標努力。本研究以人本互動裝置推廣普適計算環境,並以Nielsen使用性介面評估為主,透過問卷調查人本互動介面接受程度與使用意願。研究成果可分為兩階段,第一階段整理相關文獻與設計實作人本互動介面應用系統;第二階段以第一階段實驗結果為依據,進行介面評估,最後統整提出結論與建議,期望透過本研究之結果,提供設計者未來在開發人本互動裝置之參考,而本研究結果簡述如下:(1)受測者認為以人本互動為出發點的互動介面設計能貼近自然人性的操作習慣。(2)受測者肯定本研究提出之互動系統,透過肢體的直覺動作,減少操作上所需的記憶與提高操作效率。(3)受測者在與本介面互動中感到新奇、印象深刻,並且認為操作此介面是吸引人的,整體來說對此介面的設計均感到滿意。此外,未來願意再次使用並且樂於推薦給其他人。


In this study, we develop a computer vision based human-supervised system by using the Webcam. After that, the system is also evaluated by users. As ubiquitous computing technologies gain greater popularity, people will expect more flexible interface using these technologies to communicate with various systems. Therefore, many researchers focus on various possible approaches of cultivating these technologies. In this study, we use human-supervised interface design as the study for the ubiquitous environment. Then, we evaluate the satisfaction of this system by usability test. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage analyzed the design principles of interactive interface systems, and implemented a human-supervised system based on interactive interface principles. In the second stage, users’ satisfaction of this system was investigated based on the results of the first stage. Some interesting results were found for designing human-supervised systems in the future. We conclude with the following interesting result for: (1) The human-supervised system can facilitate users’ interactions with a system in a more intuitive way. (2) The intuitive interface for human using motion gestures can help users operate this interface efficient and reduce the needs of short-term memory. (3) Users feel the system attractive and impressive when they interact with the system. Moreover, they would like to use the system in future and recommend the interface to the others.


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