  • 學位論文


A Study on the Context of Creation in Digital Content Integrated with Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping

指導教授 : 王兆華


由於蘊含了經濟效益的考量,數位內容專案的創思發展,屬於一種「計畫性創造」的程序。設計師必須在創意發展的過程中瞻前顧後地檢視,以求明確掌握閱聽眾的需求,並發揮創意。因此,其創作過程實有別於純藝術領域追求靈光乍現的創作方式。數位內容專案的創意發展既具有「計畫性創造」的特色,本研究擬據此規劃實用的數位內容創意發展模式。 本研究經過文獻探討發現,現有的研究方法中,心智圖法和概念構圖法分別有助於主題創意的概念發散和邏輯收斂,且都利於組織進行創意發展。而且,兩者在操作時,其圖示架構非常相似,都是由概念、節點組成,並都具有展開創意思考脈絡的功能。本研究認為,此二種方法既具有此相輔相成的特性,當可各取所長,整合應用於創意發展。在深入探究並定義整合的程序和方法之後,本研究規劃出了實用的數位內容創意發展模式。 本研究將心智圖法與概念構圖整合於創作流程中,並在創思階段加入自行改良的閱聽眾集體心智圖法,希望藉以發掘閱聽眾的概念需求脈絡給創作者,做為提取彼此在概念傳播過程中所擁有的共同經驗之參考。研究程序以質性研究方法為主架構,藉由操作閱聽眾參與的焦點團體訪談法與觀察法,以及對創作者進行深度訪談而蒐集多種質化資料;繼而以實驗設計的方式操作變項,以了解並分析閱聽眾與創作者之間,在操作心智圖與概念圖時彼此的互動關係,進而歸納出主題創作的發展架構。本研究成功發展出的程序模式,將可協助個人或團隊,在進行數位內容創意設計的構思過程中,有效地解讀閱聽眾對於數位內容主題的認知態度,進而確立創意概念以及形成有效的分鏡腳本內容。而從閱聽眾的角度言之,亦可促進其對數位內容創意成果的了解和共鳴,令創意組織能確保發展數位內容主題的經濟效益。


As a result of relating to economical benefit, the creating of digital content is a procedure of planned design. Designers must think about the need of the audience very cautious and particular and make the originality come true during the process of creating. Therefore, the creation development of digital content is different from that of the fine art-expecting the inspiration appears suddenly. Considering this feature of the digital content, this research works out a practical mode of the development of the creation, which will be useful in making the digital content. After literature study, this research finds that the mind mapping and concept mapping are useful for the divergence and logic convergence of the creativity in project and are good for groups to develop creation. In addition, when these two methods are operated, they have similar graph framework, which are both composed with concept and nodes and both have the function of expending thinking context. This research not only integrates mind mapping and concept mapping into the creating process but also adds in the modified audiences’ interaction of mind mapping to the developing process. The research provides the audiences’ thinking context to the designers and serves as the base of selecting the common field of experience context. This research also uses qualitative research method as the main frame and collects many qualitative data from the audiences’ focusing group interviewing, participant observation, and comprehensive interviewing with the designers. It also controls variables by using the experimental design method, gains understanding and analyzes the interactions between the audiences and the designers by using mind mapping and concept mapping. And then the research concludes the framework of the creation development. This procedure can help individual designer or designing team to determine the originality direction earlier in the process of creating the digital content and can complete the mock story scenario efficiently. This procedure can also help audience with understanding the main story scenario of digital content. On these grounds, the creation groups can ensure the financial benefit of the digital project.




範大學,教育技術研究中心網址 http://home.htu.cn/jyjs/ppt/jj.ppt


