  • 學位論文

運用多模式人機介面於數位藝術創作之設計與研究 - 以「互動式水墨拼貼畫」為例

Design and Research of Interactive Digital Arts Using Multimodal Human-Machine Interface - An Example of 「Interactive Ink Collage Paintings」

指導教授 : 許永洲


資訊化的發展為藝術帶來了多元化的表現方式,藉由各種類型的互動裝置與科技系統的整合,讓觀賞者可以自由地與作品互動。本研究主要的目的是希望在互動式的裝置藝術中,導入多模式人機介面的概念,讓觀賞者不需要專業的訓練即可透過各種互動裝置進行專屬的互動式創作。 本作品的名稱為互動式水墨拼貼畫,創作的概念結合中國水墨畫及西洋拼貼畫的元素,讓觀賞者將現有的水墨素材運用拼貼的方式完成一幅藝術創作。本研究的實作及展出分為三個階段,在各個階段依序加入各種感測的技術,第一階段的展出地點為國美館,運用的感測技術為運動感測,使用的互動裝置為Wiimote,第二階段的展出地點為台北世貿,運用的感測技術為運動感測及觸碰感測,使用的互動裝置為Wiimote,第三階段的展出地點為台中市文化局,運用的感測技術為運動感測、觸碰感測、視覺感測及聲音感測,使用的互動裝置為Wiimote、MX AIR、Webcam。展出的同時會收集觀賞者的意見,將相關意見分析彙整後,發現觀賞者希望自行控制的互動因素愈多愈好,但是互動因素愈多的話,會造成學習上面的負擔,因此如何在互動性與學習性上面取得平衡點是相關研究者值得關心的議題。


The development of information technology has brought artistic expression of diversification. By all types of interactive devices and IT systems is integration, the viewers can interact freely with works. The main purpose of this study is interactive installation art in the multimodal into the concept of human-computer interface. So that viewers do not need professional training, could make a variety of exclusive creation. The name of this works is interactive ink collage paintings, created the concept of Chinese ink painting and Western painting collage elements. So that viewers will use the existing ink material to complete a creation of collage. The implementation of this study and exhibition is divided into three stages, were in various stages of accession to the variety of sensor technology. The first phase of the place for the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the use of sensor technology is the movement sensor and the interactive installation is the Wiimote. The second phase of the place for the Taipei World Trade Center, the use of sensor technology is the movement sensor and touch sensor and the interactive installation is the Wiimote. The third stage of the place for the Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau, the use of sensor technology is the movement sensor, touch sensor, visual sensor and sound sensor and the interactive installation is the Wiimote, MX AIR, Webcam. At the exhibition period to collect the views of viewers, analysis of the observations, found that viewers want to control more interactive elements. But the more interactive elements will cause the burden of learning. How to obtain a balance point in the interaction and learning is the interesting subject of study.


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