  • 學位論文


Re-Creating the Value of Recycling—The design of draft wood clocks

指導教授 : 卓聖格


臺灣多風災與水災,每次災害就會沖刷下數量可觀的漂流木,這些資源若能好好加以利用會是環境教育與藝術創作的良好素材。本創作在於讓大眾認識漂流木所具有之外在與內在元素,並以不同處理程度的漂流木進行創作,讓人們知道漂流木在每種不同階段的處理,都有其藝術價值與內涵呈現。本創作把大自然中歷經歲月洗禮的漂流木與人們生活息息相關的時計結合進行創作,一方面希望自然的時間能豐富人們的生活,同時希望能因為漂流木的創作而引起人們對生態與環保的重視,發揚綠色設計的精神。 研究創作期間,創作者親自多次前往臺灣中部之大甲溪與大安溪流域,蒐集漂流木的創作素材,於撿拾篩選、處理材料與認識木料的過程裡,除了不斷思考如何發揮漂流木本身的特色外,也思考如何能夠導入現代創作理念,於渾然天成的漂流木型態中加入貼近人們生活所熟悉的設計元素,除了能發揮漂流木的價值,而且更令人易於親近。 本創作研究觀察歸納漂流木所具有的「木質色彩」、「外表型態」、「內在紋理」與「取材環境特徵」等自然元素,發想出「木色」、「木型」、「木紋」、「拼木」四個與計時工具結合的系列創作,完成十六件漂流木時計創作。作品中運用了鋁合金的科技感、幾何造型的現代感與延伸時計結構的實用置物概念等,讓漂流木時計設計,不僅能發揮漂流木本身的特色,且能融合其他多元創作元素,讓漂流木的創作能發揮更大的價值,進一步提昇漂流木創作的藝術性與實用性,並讓漂流木後續創作者有更寬廣的創作思考空間。


漂流木 綠色設計 時計 資源回收


Re-Creating the Value of Recycling—The design of draft wood clocks Student:Zong-Han Ye Advisors:Shen-ko Cho Department of Commercial Design National Taichung University of Science and Technology ABSTRACT Lots of damages in Taiwan caused by typhoons and floods bring us abundant driftwoods. These woods are fine materials for arts and environmental educations. The main target of this project was to introduce external and internal driftwood elements in the form and textures to the public, and work with driftwoods with crude or smooth textures. Meanwhile, the project would present the art value of driftwoods in each different process. The driftwoods that had stood the test of times were perfect materials for handmade clocks, which were bound up with lives we led. The project, one example of green design, reformed time of Nature into wooden clocks to enrich lives, and hoped to draw attention to environment protection. In the research, materials were collected on the riverbank of Dajia River and Daan River in the central region of Taiwan. In the process of gathering, disposing and recognizing different driftwoods, the artist kept thinking about how to play special advantages of these woods, and combine them with modern concept of creation. The design elements people were used to in their lives were added into the natural form of driftwoods to make them more noticeable and valuable. The observation and study in the project summed up natural elements in driftwoods, and the artist proposed four serials of artworks based on the observation including “wooden colors”, “wooden forms”, “wooden grains” and “wood splicing,” which were 16 timing devices made of driftwoods. The utilization of aluminum alloy, geometric modeling and the practical elongated supporter made full use of their advantages and allowed these clocks to play bigger roles in our lives. Such designs broadened the possibility of use and had higher art values, and extended more space for future artists to contemplate in terms of driftwood arts. Keywords:draft wood、green design、clock、recycling


draft wood green design clock recycling


王俊明、 李心平等,2010,〈莫拉克颱風災害綜覽〉,《中華防災學刊》
