  • 學位論文

多媒體教學方式對英語學習成效之影響- 電子教科書優使性之探討

The Impact of Multi-Media Teaching Method on English Learning Effects-A Study of the E-Textbook Based on Usability

指導教授 : 吳銜容


資訊科技融入各科教學是目前教育的發展趨勢,許多學校的教室幾乎都配有電腦與投影機(甚至是電子白板)的設備,這也讓許多教師上課使用電腦的機率大增。從CAI光碟到網路教學,從校園內到校園外,無不沉浸在資訊融入教學的活動。目前許多的教學電子書都有炫麗的畫面與吸引人的聲光效果,但卻發現目前各校真正願意使用電子書此類多媒體融入教學的比例,其實是相當低的。與傳統講述教學法相較,使用電子教科書是否提升學生學習成效為本研究探討重點,並以優使性比較兩種教學方式之差異。多數文獻指出,電子教科書融入教學的確可以提高學生學習成效與學習動機,其可能原因與教科書之優使性之關係亦為本研究之重點。 本研究以國中英語教學為例,探討兩種教學法融入英文領域對學生學習動機與學習成效之影響。本研究採比較研究法輔以問卷法。研究樣本則取自台中市某國中一年級兩班約80名學生,A班實施「電子書融入教學」,B班則實施「傳統講述法教學」,而後,兩班各自交叉實施兩種不同教學法。進行不同教學法之前,皆搭配前後測取得成績表現作為研究依據。教學實驗完成後,將蒐集的資料分為量的分析和質的研究兩部分進行探討。 本研究導入優使性原則,實驗及分析結果顯示:1. 兩種教學法對學生在學習成就上有顯著的差異,實施「電子書融入教學」的班級在學習成就表現上顯著優於接受「傳統講述教學」的班級。2. 兩種教學法對學生在學習動機上,實施「電子書融入教學」的班級,顯著優於接受「傳統講述教學」的班級。3. 從教學意見與訪談的資料發現,學生對於使用「電子書融入教學」的教學法大多給予正面肯定。4. 教師對於電子書的優使性(usability)表示肯定,但是若要真正將電子書融入教學,則需要再克服硬體設備的操作及自己的心理因素居多。因此,電子書的優使性對教學者來說是有優勢的,其對學生的學習成效則易有正面影響。


Learning with information technology or multimedia is the trend at school nowadays. Many classrooms are equipped with projectors and computers, even the interactive whiteboards. The e-textbook has so many functions, however, there are not so many teachers willing to use the teaching tool. Compared to the didactic teaching method, can the e-textbook really raise students’ learning efficiency ? It is the key research of the study. In addition, find out the differences between traditional and multi-media teaching method via usability is another focus. Many papers indicate that using multi-media can raise students’ learning motivation. The reason may be related to the usability of the e-textbook. It is also the other research focus. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of learning motivation and effectiveness of integrating two different teaching methods into English teaching. Before lecturing, the two classes both have pretests and posttests. With the grades, I can analysize the differences between the two teaching methods. The results of the study adopted usability principals are: 1.There is a great difference between the two classes’ learning achievement. The class with e-textbook has a better performance than the class with the didactic teaching method. 2. There is also a difference between the two classes’ learning motivation. The class with e-textbook has a more outstanding performance than the class with didactic teaching method. 3. From the students’ questionnaires of teaching opinion and interviewing some students, most of them have positive thoughts for e-textbook. 4. Teachers give recognitions and affirmations to the usability of the e-textbook, but, if they are not familiar with the interface or the hardware, they need to overcome their psychological factors first.


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