  • 學位論文

《The World You Know》沉浸式虛擬實境創作論述

The Creation Description of “The World You Know” in Immersive Virtual Reality

指導教授 : 曾志峰


近年來,隨著虛擬實境硬體技術的成長與普及,市面上相關的產業與內容如雨後春筍般推陳出新,相較於一般電腦遊戲,沉浸式虛擬實境(Immersive virtual reality,簡稱IVR)遊戲內容因具備強度的沉浸感,畫面具寬廣的視野範圍與自由度,因此遊戲過程中需要更明確的引導方式與方向指引,來避免因上述因素造成玩家目標導向的錯亂。本研究主題乃據此針對注意力與環境識覺影響進行分析,並藉由創作過程提出可行性之實踐方案。創作內容部分,根據IVR媒體特性,以「人類對知識探求的歷程」為架構,設計了具前後關聯性的四段不同關卡與場景,提供參與者探索與體驗,並藉此來傳達創作理念並進行一系列操作引導之可行性開發。另外也針對關卡轉換機制做出新的嘗試,借用影片的創造性空間(Creative Geography)轉場效果,將不同文脈之場景串接來提供遊戲常見的轉場不連續性對策,帶出更流暢的關卡轉換體驗。


In recent years, along with the generalization of virtual reality(VR), bunches of industries and works relating to VR technology hit the market widely. Compared to traditional game, immersive virtual reality (IVR) provides wide screen field of view and high degree freedom of operation to generate greater degree of presence, while it needs clear index and orientation to prevent the disorientation of gaming. Based on this, the thesis dedicated to the research of attention and environment perception to practice through the work. According to the properties of IVR, I designed four relative levels based on the structure of the course that people pursue knowledge to exploit the possibilities of guidance in game. The work also attempts at the effects of level change additionally. By connecting the scenes through Creative Geography of film, it provides the way of transition to bring smooth experience of level change to participants.


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