  • 學位論文


The Study of Chinese Typography in Motion

指導教授 : 曾志峰


隨著現代資訊傳播迅速發展,動態圖像設計開始廣泛被運用在各種媒體表現上,由於圖像在資訊傳播的辨識度優於文字,且更能帶給觀者較深刻的印象,因此圖像逐漸成為動態設計表現中的主要元素。 結合平面編排的視覺手法與多媒體設計的時間元素,當前動態圖像在設計領域上的發展,呈現出更加多元的可能性變化,特別在圖文互滲的設計氛圍下,文字也漸漸發展出如圖像般的動態變化。 溯源自拉丁拼音的西方文字具有字母幾何造型與字音組合變化之特徵,相較於漢字一字一義一音的結構組成,更利於文字圖像化表現。基於此,作者試圖針對鮮少被使用的漢字字域來作為創作主體,研究漢字編排在動態設計領域上的侷限,並藉由分析歌詞結構及語境情感的文字化表現來發掘漢字的動態設計潛在可能。


動態設計 漢字 編排


With the rapid development of present media dissemination, motion graphic design has been widely applied in various categories. Generally, graphics is superior to letters in consciousness, and is able to impress viewers immediately. Graphics gradually becomes the main element in motion design. To combine the typography and dynamics in media design, the current motion graphic works are showing variety and diversity around us to enrich our visual experiences. Meanwhile, the letters play a key role and are getting more and more noticeable and iconographic as well. Therefore, the research of letters in motion design is set up and becomes the main theme of the thesis. Western letters dating back to Latin phonetics with the characteristics of alphabetical order and syllable boundaries provide media designers a wide stage for creation. Differing from Chinese characters, kind of logogram, western letters are prior to Chinese and dominated the screen in motion design. The author attempts to figure out the limitations of it, then explores the glyph and context. By analyzing the structure and content from selected lyrics, the work redesigns the Chinese characters in motion design and try to expand an aspect for reference to those who are interested in related field.


JESSIE C.CHEN(2018)。Circle:A graphic design zine第13期。臺北市:方法原創有限公司。
呂靜修譯(1997)。編排設計的構成與形式(Malcolm Grear著)。臺北市:六合出版社。
