  • 學位論文

台中亞緻大飯店Hotel ONE品牌設計個案研究

Case Study of Brand Image Design for Hotel ONE Taichung

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


台灣自2002年政府開放大陸民眾來台觀光,旅館業者為掌握其在旅遊市場之利基,紛紛擴展營運據點,在供需俱增之下,市場競爭勢必更趨白熱化。業者如何提升品牌特色,營造差異化,實為其關注之議題。 本研究以Hotel ONE亞緻大飯店為研究對象,以個案研究及文獻分析法,探討其定位與策略運作對品牌形象建立之關連性。研究分為:(一)探討旅館業的發展歷程與台灣旅館業的質變因素;(二)以視覺傳達理論分析Hotel ONE之文宣、空間與各種周邊設計,觀察其對應於其所定位風格特色之適切性;(三)從服務管理與訓練系統了解其品牌文化內涵;(四)以其消費者滿意度及訪談資料分析其對品牌形象之回應。最後藉由相關決策執行者與專家學者之深度訪談與消費者意見進行交叉比對。 經由本研究深入探討得到下列幾項成果: (一)旅館業因科技進步、交通發達,使其商業與人際活動之規模擴大,而生活品質之改善也引發旅遊方式的改變,以至於產生經營形式多元的變化,如國際連鎖旅館、設計型飯店…等。 (二)台中亞緻大飯店Hotel ONE成立之因素以及品牌定位,主要目標族群為25-45歲頂尖的商務客人,注重科技、時尚的氛圍。並以人為本、延續亞都麗緻旅館系統之服務精神為主軸。 (三)行銷策略著重品牌獨特性,宣傳方式以平面媒體為主,採取被動的宣傳方式,運用話題來吸引媒體的報導及注意。而行銷方式以名人行銷及口碑行銷為主。 (四)品牌識別設計主要利用 1.簡單的線條營造簡約的俐落感,欲傳達之時尚科技概念。 2.色彩應用則採用代表東方喜慶的橙色系及科技、現代感的暖灰色,突顯品牌的獨特性。 3.建築造型與精心計算之不同尺寸玻璃片組合如揚起之風帆,並以台中市最高之大樓成為地標以觀景特性,至今話題不斷。 4.Workstation依客房形式變化與消費目標群生活習性契合,歷經五年在台中旅館業仍無出其右。 5.依據Hotel ONE常態之顧客滿意度調查,以平均84%服務滿度意呈現對企業定位中感動服務成效之回應。 6.企業結合城市行銷,以宣傳當地小吃及行銷台中市。藉由各種機會刺激觀光與房地產業之活絡。將原為閒置己久的爛尾樓(Hote ONE建築),變成帶動商圈的形成。促進台中市經濟,成功達成企業與政府施政雙贏的策略應用。 而希望所得結果能提供相關設計與學術研究者之參考。


品牌識別 品牌形象


Since 2002, Taiwan Government has opened its door to the tourists from Mainland China and it has created huge demands to the hotel industry. The industry is seeking to expand their operation bases and the competition is getting intense. The industry is trying to enhance their brand name’s characteristics and creating the operation differences. Per this research, we are taking “Hotel ONE” as the study object and analysis its operation. We will study the links between its market positioning, operation strategy and brand image. Here are the key points: 1. Explore the history of the hotel industry and the qualitative factors. 2. The theoretical of visual communication, analysis of the Hotel One’s news media and nearby designs. By observe the corresponds, it shall determine its market positioning and unique style. 3. From service management to the training systems it helps to understand the brand culture. 4. Based on the customer satisfaction replies and interviews, it analysis the response to the brand image. The final crosscheck between the customer and the scholars’ advise, it helps the executives for the decision-making. Base on the case study, here are the founding results: 1. Cause of the advanced technology and easy transportation, the hotel industry has expanded the business and interpersonal activities. The improvement of better quality life has also led to change the way of the tourism. In result, it has formed as international hotel chain and special designed hotels. 2.The establishment and brand positioning of Taichung Hotel One, it targets the age from 25-45 of the business group who are seeking advanced technology and stylish atmosphere. As well as the people-oriented, Hotel One chin services it as main goal. 3.The market strategy has focused on the brand uniqueness and it mainly relies on the print media. It uses several topics to attract media coverage to create its publicity. The market approach is based on the celebrity and word of mouth. 4.The design of the brand identity is based on: (1) A simple lines to create a simple neatness, it sends a concept message of Fashion Technology. (2) The orange color application is widely using on the Asia celebration which creates modern fashion uniqueness toward the brand. (3) The combination of different shapes / size glass has created the raised sail building and it is the highest landmark in Taichung City. (4) After five years in Taichung hotel industry, the in-room workstation design is still second to none. (5) Based on the customer satisfaction survey, the average of 84% customers are satisfied with the hotel service. (6) The marketing links from local to city, it promotes local food and Taichung City tour. The formation of the business district has brought the lights to the hotel one building as well as the nearby real-estate value. By created better Taichung economic prosperity, it’s a win-win strategy for the industry and Taichung government. Hope that the results can provide a reference design and academic researchers.


Brand Recognition Brand Image


行政院,2002,挑戰 2008,國家發展重點計畫,行政院經濟建設委員會
吳勉勤,2003,旅館管理-理論與實務,揚智,台北市,PP 14~16
