  • 學位論文


The Study in Advertisement Efficiency of Social Network Sites Native Advertising Presentation Modality –Network Degree and Network Cluster

指導教授 : 林心慧


如今網際網路發展已普及,網際網路已深深影響生活所有的層面,目前台灣網際網路的主要收入皆來自廣告,廣告收入幾乎直接維繫著網站的命脈。根據研究調查顯示,Facebook是目前台灣人發現新品牌、產品或服務的平台,因此許多企業將網路廣告行銷活動移轉至Facebook上,利用網路廣告做為與消費溝通的管道。然而網路廣告的投遞技術不斷推陳出新,又因網路廣告版位複雜及資訊過於爆炸,使消費者對廣告產生麻痺,於是在2012年崛起一種新原生廣告,此原生廣告將廣告訊息製作成有價值的內容,無縫隙的承載到頁面之中,且不干擾使用者體驗,創造更流暢的使用者體驗,稱之為「原生廣告(Native Advertising)」。 目前對此新型態廣告並無詳細資料的彙整且用於Facebook社群網站皆無詳細之探討,進而引發本研究以該研究缺口進行原生廣告資料彙整以及Facebook社群網站原生廣告之實驗設計。因此,本研究主旨為彙整原生廣告相關之文獻以及探討Facebook原生廣告呈現型態對廣告效果的影響,冀使找出此新型態廣告刊登在Facebook能夠吸引瀏覽者注意的原生廣告類型呈現方式。研究結果將提供給廣告主及行銷商對行銷決策參考外,也可作為對Facebook原生廣告呈現型態繼續深入研究之基礎,並將有助於網路行銷商業發展。


We live in the age where our internet is fully developed and distributed, as it also affected all of ways of living. Right now, Taiwan’s main ad revenue comes from the internet, where almost all ads these days are fully connect with the internet. According to the survey found that Facebook is now of the main brand and platform of service, where most industries uses it as its main source for online advertising, using its connectivity to its consumer’s. Right now there are all kinds of different ads sending out, causing an information explosion where consumers are now insensitive to most of it now. In 2012, comes a new form of advertising, where the ad its self has a sense of weight in its message, seamlessly loaded into the page, undisturbed to its users, creating a smoother user experience, which is called “Native Advertising”. Right now there isn’t much data nor study about this new form of advertising, and there aren’t any studies on Facebook yet. Therefore, causes us to start and be the first to study and design experiments on the social networking site “Facebook”. Our experiment is to find if native advertising has any effects on Facebook, and using its results to create a whole new form of ad to catch the eyes of consumers on Facebook. The results of this experiment will gave out as a fine example for marketing firms, and also becoming the foundation of Facebook’s Native Advertising, creating a whole new way of advertising for the industry.


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