  • 學位論文


The role of trust in The online shopping journey

指導教授 : 陳彥匡


隨著電子商務市場蓬勃發展,消費者線上購物旅程的服務體驗已成為線上零售業成功的關鍵因素。線上購物旅程一般是指,當消費者購買商品時,從購前到真正購買之後的過程中所經歷的四個階段。首先,消費者察覺需求之後會開始在線上搜尋商品以及參考網路口碑,最後再做評估及購買的決定。而消費者也會在購買後評估此商品是否符合自己所期待的價值,進而影響消費者購後態度與後續行為意圖。本研究以期望確認理論與後悔理論為基礎,依據線上購物旅程四個階段發展產品選擇、網路口碑、信任、確認、後悔、滿意度及回購意願的關係模型,該模型也探討了信任在購前產品選擇與網路口碑與購後滿意度間的中介效果。且透過線上問卷方式調查使用過網路購物過的台灣受測者,最終回收樣本共411份,有效樣本數為393份,以SPSS Statistics及SmartPLS軟體進行統計分析,研究證實消費者購前的產品選擇、購前信任對消費者購後的滿意度(R2=54.7%)與回購意願(R2=58.7%)有顯著影響。其次,發現信任會部分中介消費者購前產品選擇與購後滿意度,且網路口碑會被完全中介消費者的滿意度。最後,本研究確認購前信任為研究模型重要因子,不僅對消費者購後滿意度與回購意願有顯著影響,也提高對購後滿意度及回購意願有更高的解釋能力。


購物旅程 網路購物 後悔 期望確認 信任


As the e-commerce market booms, the service experience of consumers' online shopping journeys has become a key success factor for online retail. The online shopping journey generally refers to the four stages that a consumer goes through from pre-purchase to post-purchase when they purchase a product. First of all, after the consumer perceives the demand, he will start to search for goods online and refer to the online word of mouth, and finally make the decision to evaluate and purchase. Consumers will also evaluate whether the product meets their expectations after purchase, which in turn will affect the consumer's post-purchase attitude and subsequent behavior intentions. Based on the theory of expectation confirmation and regret, this study develops a relationship model of product selection, online word-of-mouth, trust, confirmation, regret, satisfaction and repurchase intention based on the four stages of the online shopping journey, which also explores the mediation effect between trust in pre-purchase product selection and online word-of-mouth and post-purchase satisfaction. And through the online questionnaire survey of Taiwanese subjects who have used online shopping, the final recovery of a total of 411 samples, the effective sample number of 393, with SPSS Statistics and SmartPLS software for statistical analysis, the study confirmed that consumers' pre-purchase product selection, pre-purchase trust on consumers' post-purchase satisfaction (R2=54.7%) and repurchase intention (R2=58.7%) have a significant impact. Secondly, it was found that the trust mediates the relationship between consumers' pre-purchase product choice and post-purchase satisfaction, and the trust completely mediates the relationship between online word of mouth and satisfaction. Finally, this study confirms that pre-purchase trust is an important factor of the research model, which not only has a significant impact on consumers' post-purchase satisfaction and repurchase intention, but also improves the ability to interpret post-purchase satisfaction and repurchase intention.


BrightLocal(2020) 。Local Consumer Review Survey 2020。取自https://www.brightlocal.com/research/local-consumer-review-survey/
google(2020) 。2020智慧消費關鍵報告。取自https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/zh-tw/consumer-insights/consumer-trends/2020-%E6%99%BA%E6%85%A7%E6%B6%88%E8%B2%BB%E9%97%9C%E9%8D%B5%E5%A0%B1%E5%91%8A/
集客數據行銷(2021) 。【行銷趨勢】2021消費者行為洞察 – 混沌式的消費者購物旅程。取自https://inboundmarketing.com.tw/digital-marketing-strategy/2021-google-report.html
經濟部統計處(2022) 。電子購物及郵購業視覺化圖表。取自https://dmz26.moea.gov.tw/GA/visualize/VisDashboard.aspx?d=2
資策會產業情報研究所(2021) 。【網購消費者調查】52.9%消費者購物頻率虛實各半實體零售網購崛起。取自https://mic.iii.org.tw/news.aspx?id=597
