  • 學位論文


The Influence of Organic Food Brand Image, Perceived Value on Customer Purchase Intention -The Moderating of Consumption Constraints

指導教授 : 黃月春


本研究以有機食品為研究標的,探討消費者所知覺品牌形象和知覺價值如何影響消費者的購買意願;當消費阻礙介入時之干擾如何?經調查666位消費者後發現: 1.品牌形象會影響消費者的購買意願。 2.知覺價值會影響消費者的購買意願。 3.消費阻礙在『品牌形象與購買意願』之關係中不具調節作用。 4.消費阻礙在『知覺價值與購買意願』之關係中具調節作用。 研究結果發現消費者心中所喜好品牌形象,不因為消費阻礙介入而有所改變,品牌形象仍是消費者心中最重要選擇依據。以此發現提供業者重視品牌形象塑造與維護,進而制訂更為有效之行銷策略。


The research for the study of the subject of organic food, explore how brand image and consumers perceived value influence consumers' purchase intention; intervene when the interference of how Consumption Constraints investigation 666 consumers found: (1) Brand image has a significant impact on purchase intention. (2) perceived value has a significant impact on purchase intention. (3) Consumption constraints the relationship, "the brand image and purchase intention" of the non-regulatory role. (4) Consumption constraints the relationship "perceived value and purchase intention" of in a regulatory role. The results showed that the preferences of consumers in mind the brand image, not because of a change in consumption constraints intervention, the brand image is still selected on the basis of the most important minds of consumers, in order to provide the industry found attention and maintain brand image, and thus develop more effective marketing strategies.


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