  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Consumer Switching Costs and Customer Service Satisfaction on Number Portability Behavior

指導教授 : 周素娥


行動通信在21世紀社會環境下,是每個人日常生活裡不可或缺的必需品,然而提供行動通信的電信業者,為搶食這塊行動通信大餅無不費盡千辛萬苦,想獲得消費者青睞。國內的國家通訊傳播委員會 NCC (National Communications Commission)也在2005年時針對電信業者開放「號碼可攜」服務,電信業在提供消費者服務時也需瞭解,有那些原因會造成消費者選擇對既有電信業者Say No,而更換到新業者的懷抱。 本研究針對台灣持有手機門號的消費者:有使用過「號碼可攜」服務的消費者與未使用過「號碼可攜」服務進行研究與分析,以問卷方式進行,針對消費者轉換成本與客戶滿意度與等2個構面,對「號碼可攜」的影響程度進行研究。 研究結果發現:(一)消費者在轉換成本對號碼可攜有顯著影響。(二)有號碼可攜經驗消費者與未有號碼可攜經驗消費者在通訊品質、轉換成本等2個構面上有顯著差異。 (三)每月的行動電話月租費用NT:300元與NT:301~600元,這二類型消費者在客服品質上的構面有顯著差異。 由本研究結果得知:因電信環境的競爭越激烈,消費者對於電信業的期許與要求,顯得越來越多元,也由於每個消費者有著使用不同電信業者經驗,導致每個消費者有著不同面向對號碼可攜的影響程度,這樣的改變,電業者也應有所認知與瞭解。因此,若電信業想讓消費者能夠持續不斷使用服務,應審視本身提供的服務,瞭解是否符合消費者期望,透過持續調整與改變,方可獲得消費者對電信業者青睞。


Mobile communication is an indispensable necessity in everyone's daily life in the social environment of the 21st century. However, the telecommunication providers that provide mobile communication have tried their best to grab this piece of mobile communication market share. They just want to gain the favor of consumers. The National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan engaged in the "number portability" service for telecom operators in 2005. When the telecom industry provides consumer services, it is essential to know the reasons why consumers will say no to the existing telecommunications company, but embrace another new company This study aimed at consumers with mobile phone numbers in Taiwan. Both consumers who have used the "number portability" service and those who have not used the "number portability" service were included for comparison. A questionnaire was used to collect data to explore the impacts of switching cost on number portability, as well as the impacts of customer satisfaction on number portability. The results show as follows. First, switching cost has a significant impact on number portability. Second, consumers who have had number portability experiences are significantly different from those who have not in their emphasis on communication quality and switching costs. Third, in terms of monthly mobile phone rent, consumers who pay for 300NT are significantly different from those who pay for the range between 301NT and 600NT in their requirements for the quality of customer service. This study shows that because of the fierce competition in the telecommunications industry, consumers ’expectations and requirements are becoming more diverse than ever before. Consumers’ expectations about telecom quality and their recognition in switching cost will affect their favor for portability of numbers. Therefore, it is important for the telecom operators who should constantly enhance their telecom quality, customer services, and contract content to reduce consumer switching cost for varied target groups. Besides, the telecom operators should be more often to review and analyze the changing behavior of number portability to satisfy and retain consumers’ favors as well.


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