  • 學位論文


Research on Detecting Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Student Dormitories - Take the Existing School Dormitory Building as an Example

指導教授 : 蕭家孟




More than 80% of modern people are in a closed indoor environment, including children's homes, school dormitories, living rooms, hotel rooms, offices, conference rooms, etc. In recent years, under the mandatory implementation of the "Indoor Air Quality Management Law", the public has gradually attached importance to issues related to human health when it is in a closed indoor space with poor air quality for a long time. When the body is in a closed indoor space for a long time, if the indoor air quality is poor and the ventilation is insufficient, these invisible air pollution sources are more likely to cause the deterioration of the closed indoor air quality. This study explores the indoor air quality of a university student dormitory. The three floor plan of the dormitory is divided into five sampling points according to the area. The numbers are A3, B4, C5, D4 and E4 respectively. The distribution of carbon dioxide concentration in the dormitory room is discussed. Close the door and open the window, close the door and close the window. A non-dispersive infrared monitoring instrument is set up to continuously collect indoor carbon dioxide data, and to analyze the distribution of indoor conditions through data analysis. The study found that during the unoccupied period of the dormitory, the indoor carbon dioxide concentration averaged about 400~500ppm, indicating that the indoor carbon dioxide concentration met the standard; during the student's stay, the data showed that the average concentration of carbon dioxide in the E5 room was the highest; the mechanical ventilation method was adopted above the indoor window. The installation of a fan and the introduction of outdoor fresh air as an improvement method can effectively reduce the indoor carbon dioxide concentration.


Indoor Air Quality Carbon Dioxide Dormitory


1.行政院環境保護署網站,「室內空氣品質管理法」, 2011/11/23。
2.Environment International,Volume 15, Issues 1–6, 1989, Pages 65-74。 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0160412089900111
3.美國冷凍空調學會,ASHRAE Standard_62.1-2016。
