  • 學位論文


The Influences of Leisure Image, Experiential Value, Leisure Satisfaction on Word of Mouth in Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival

指導教授 : 謝俊宏


休閒意象、體驗價值、休閒滿意對口碑傳播影響之研究 -以臺中國際花毯節為例 學生:吳蒼梧 指導教授:謝俊宏 龔慧珠 國立臺中科技大學企業管理系碩士班 摘要 本文旨在探討遊客對臺中國際花毯節之休閒意象、體驗價值、休閒滿意是否對口碑傳播存在相關性影響,希能提供活動主辦相關單位檢討改進、規畫修正之科學依據,作為整體行銷策略之參考,以便能吸引更多的參訪人潮,創造更高的觀光收益。故本研究以休閒意象作為自變項,體驗價值與休閒滿意為中介變項,而口碑傳播則為依變項;並以參加臺中國際花毯節之遊客作為研究對象,進行問卷調查及統計分析。經整理調查統計結果並予以歸納探討後,得到以下結論: 一、差異分析結果顯示,遊客的年齡不同,其休閒意象、體驗價值、休閒滿意及口碑傳播有顯著差異存在。 二、休閒意象對體驗價值、休閒滿意與口碑傳播有顯著正向影響. 三、體驗價值對休閒滿意與口碑傳播有顯著正向影響。 四、體驗價值對口碑傳播有顯著正向影響。 五、休閒滿意對口碑傳播有顯著正向影響。 關鍵詞:休閒意象、體驗價值、休閒滿意、口碑傳播、臺中國際花毯節


The Influences of Leisure Image, Experiential Value, Leisure Satisfaction on Word of Mouth in Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival Student:Tsang-Wu Wu Advisors:Chun-Hung Hsieh Huei-Chu Kung Department of Business Administration National Taichung University of Science and Technology ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the relationship among leisure image, experiential value, leisure satisfaction, word of mouth and tourists’ characteristics in Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival. Leisure image was the independent variables, and word of mouth was dependent variables, and experiential value and leisure satisfaction as mediator for this study. The research results shows as follows: 一、The age was significant found within leisure image, experiential value, leisure satisfaction, and word of mouth. 二、There would be a positive influence of leisure image on experiential value, leisure satisfaction and word of mouth. 三、There would be a positive influence of experiential value on leisure satisfaction 四、There would be a positive influence of experiential value on word of mouth. 五、There would be a positive influence of leisure satisfaction on word of mouth. Keywords: Leisure Image, Experiential Value, Leisure Satisfaction, Word of mouth.


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