  • 學位論文


The Influences of Perceived Risks on Behavior Intention of High and Middle-aged Elderly in Taiwan - Using Reverse Mortgage as a Case Study

指導教授 : 周素娥


我國人口結構受到少子化及人口老化雙重影響,再過8年我國將進入超高齡社會(Super Aged Society)。因應變遷,窮到只剩下房子的老年人可用以房養老方案來安度老年生活,收入較豐厚的老年人也能透過以房養老做資產配置的彈性運用,如何使老年人想要申辦以房養老是主要探討的議題,其中最重要的是阻礙因素,也就是本研究主要探討的知覺風險對於行為意圖的影響效果。 本研究架構將知覺風險理論加入計畫行為理論中探討對行為意圖的影響。本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國45歲至85歲之中高齡者為研究對象,發放562份問卷,回收有效問卷532份,透過SPSS 24.0進行分析。 研究結果顯示「行為意圖」受到「態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」的正面影響及「財務風險」、「心理風險」的負面影響,其中「財務風險」為最強。「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」透過「態度」的中介效果對「行為意圖」產生正面影響,其中「主觀規範」為最強。整體模式解釋力達46.2%,表示此模式可以有效預測並解釋中高齡者申辦不動產逆向抵押貸款的行為意圖。 本研究將年齡層劃分做世代對比,45-54歲者迴歸結果,「行為意圖」受到「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」的正面影響及「財務風險」、「心理風險」的負面影響,其中「財務風險」為最強。55-64歲者迴歸結果,「行為意圖」受到「知覺行為控制」的正面影響及「財務風險」的負面影響,其中「財務風險」為最強。65歲以上者迴歸結果,「行為意圖」受到「態度」的正面影響及「財務風險」、「心理風險」的負面影響,其中「財務風險」為最強;「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」透過「態度」的中介效果對「行為意圖」產生正面影響,其中「知覺行為控制」為最強。 由研究結果可以推論影響65歲以上的高齡者不願意申辦以房養老主因是「財務風險」,如果政府和金融機構推行以房養老時能充分舉辦說明會並且讓「財務風險」降到最低,應能有效提升高齡者申請以房養老;另一方面,「知覺行為控制」顯著正向影響「態度」,顯示高齡者自覺申辦以房養老是越容易越能提升態度,因此政府若能簡化申辦程序及金融機構若能主動積極提供以房養老申辦的方案,讓民眾覺得申辦以房養老是一件容易達成的事情,就能有效提升對以房養老的看法和評價。希冀此研究結果能為我國以房養老相關政策或專案推動有所貢獻。


Owing to the rapid aging of population, Taiwan will become a super-aged society in almost eight years. In response to this change, the reverse mortgage is an alternative way to allow the elderly without enough money and pensions to enjoy their lives in old age more. Besides, the reverse mortgage can help those people who have better income flexibly use their assets. However, what are the factors, especially the obstructive factors, which affect the elderly’s intention to apply for the reverse mortgage? The objective of this study is to evaluate how different factors such as Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Perceived Risk influence the elderly’s intention to apply for the reverse mortgage. The subjects for this study were the high and middle-aged elderly in Taiwan (between the age of 45 and 85). The questionnaire was personally administered by the researcher in January, 2017. It had a total number of 562 samples with a response rate of 94.7% (532 samples). SPSS 24.0 for windows statistical software is adopted to analyze the collected data, and the results are shown as follows: (1) The intention of the elderly’s application for the reverse mortgage is positively influenced by Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, but negatively influenced by Perceived Financial Risk and Perceived Psychological Risk. Among those factors, Perceived Financial Risk impacts the elderly’s intention the most (2) Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control through the Attitude of the intermediary effect on the elderly’s intention has a positive impact. Subject Norm affects Attitude the most. (3) The adjusted R-square is 0.462, which means this model can effectively predict and explain the elderly’s intention to apply for the reverse mortgage. (4) The results of generation contrast show that (a) The regression analysis of the elderly at the age of between 45 and 55 shows that their intention is positively influenced by Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, but negatively influenced by Perceived Financial Risk and Perceived Psychological Risk. Perceived Financial Risk impacts their intention the most. (b) The regression analysis of the elderly at the age of between 55 and 65 shows that their intention is positively influenced by Perceived Behavioral Control, but negatively influenced by Perceived Financial Risk. Perceived Financial Risk impacts their Intention the most. (c) The regression analysis of the elderly at the age of over 65 shows that their intention is positively influenced by Attitude, but negatively influenced by Perceived Financial Risk and Perceived Psychological Risk. Perceived Financial Risk impacts their intention the most. Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control through the Attitude of the intermediary effect on the Intention has a positive impact. Perceived Behavioral Control impacts Attitude the most. Based on the analysis of the data collected and the findings of the study, the following conclusions can be reached. The biggest obstacle that causes the elderly at the age over 65 to be unwilling to apply for the reverse mortgage is Perceived Financial Risk. Therefore, the government and the financial institutions should hold the briefing session and minimize the Perceived Financial Risk while promoting the reverse mortgage. On the other hand, Perceived Behavioral Control which has a positive impact on Attitude indicates that the number of the elderly who actively apply for the reverse mortgage is more likely to increase. Accordingly, if the government can simplify the application procedures of reverse mortgage and the financial institutions can offer preferential programs and make the elderly think the application procedures are easy, then the views and evaluation of the applicants will be enhanced. Finally, the researcher does hope that these results of study will be able to contribute to the relevant policies or projects on the reverse mortgage conducted by the government and the financial institutions.


