  • 學位論文


The Study on Evaluation of Use Intention for Smart Household Food Management System

指導教授 : 陳弘明
共同指導教授 : 陳世穎(Shih-Ying Chen)


現代生活型態一般家庭常於量販商場購買大量食物,因而衍生食物保存議題。常見情況是冰箱食物儲存過期,導致若非食用過期食品而損害健康;就是丟棄食物造成浪費與環保損耗。 隨著大數據與雲端技術、物聯網(智慧聯網)等蓬勃發展,逐漸將人類帶入全面智慧化數位生活型態,而其中智慧家庭應用技術正是與我們一般民眾生活息息相關。 因此,本研究計畫透過以RFID無線辨識技術為基礎,藉由整合資料庫、網路所建立之智慧應用系統,解決家庭中因食物保存不當所衍生之各種浪費與飲食健康問題。 本系統以偵測並辨識經過家中冰箱之食物,其容器中置有無線射頻辨識標籤(RFID Tag),將相關資訊,經由微控制器處理,並傳送至伺服器資料庫,同時本系統內建人機操作介面,讓使用者可編輯資料庫資料,還可透過Web與WiFi傳至遠端裝置,供使用者隨時了解家中冰箱內的食物資訊,並且提供使用者資訊提醒與建議等服務。 同時,我們以科技接受模式(TAM)的調查方法,對使用者進行使用者意圖分析,以了解使用者對於此創新型態的系統其接受意願的強烈程度,作為系統修正改善之依據。


Household always buy large quantities of food at hypermarkets in modern life,food preservationissuesarising therefrom. Common situation is food expired when storage in refrigerator, and lead to damage to health by eating expired food, or waste food by discard food. With big data, cloud servicesand IOT is boominggradually, it bring human into fully smart digitallifestyle. The smart home applications of which technology is closely related to our general public life. This research project will establishing an intelligence applications system which integrating RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and database, network. Through this intelligence applications system we can prevent various health issues and waste due to improper domestic food preservation. This project will build a system to detect and identify food which is stored in refrigerator at home. The food's container or package with a radio frequency identification tag (RFID Tag), the relevant information of food processed by the microcontroller and sent to the server's database.At the same time built-in Human-Machine Interface systems, so that users can edit the datas of food and transmitt to database. User can get foods information inside the refrigerator at home through the Web and WiFi by remote devices, and to provide users with remind recommendations and other services. In the assessment phase, our survey method based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory for the user performs UseIntent Analysis to understand the user's willingness to accept for this innovative patterns and technology, as a basis of improvement for this system.


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