  • 學位論文


Taitung Overlook-The Creation of City Marketing for Taitung Balloon Fiesta

指導教授 : 林承謙


2011年首屆臺灣熱氣球嘉年華對臺東當地創造了可觀的經濟效益,於2015年更是吸引70萬人次的熱氣球迷前來共襄盛舉,經由幾年來的活動舉辦,熱氣球成為了臺東新的地方形象,相關的媒體宣傳皆有熱氣球的圖像出現,加上熱氣球飛行學校的成立,培訓臺灣在地的熱氣球相關技術人員,讓熱氣球與臺東的連結更加密不可分。熱氣球為臺灣較罕見的飛行器,需要合適的地形和穩定的氣流才能做穩定安全的飛行,臺東鹿野即為符合這些條件的最佳選擇。   本創作將俯視的特殊視角導入創作中,透過吸引力行銷等相關學理來擬定創作題材的選定。在表現手法上則藉由等角製圖和扁平化設計之相關創作圖像做案例分析,探討其特性,結合學理和實際案例運用於創作之中,並將創作題材分為「花東縱谷」、「臺東市近郊」、「東海岸」等三個主題系列,從山線經由市區連接海線景點連結,透過圖像帶領觀看者一同遊歷臺東各個景點,並發展圖像商品化的可能,達到臺東熱氣球行銷之目的。   本創作探討城市行銷的內容要素;創作手法分析等角製圖以及扁平化設計等特殊製圖的特性,運用於圖像創作上。在創作表現上增添間接思考的繪圖方式,以及利用特殊圖像增添作品的本身的效益,藉由熱氣球之俯視視野,呈現新的表現形式,用不同的角度看這片土地,達到城市行銷宣傳之目的。


The first Taiwan International Balloon Festival brought considerable economic benefits to Taitung in 2011. more than 700,000 people participated in this event in 2015. After several years, hot air balloon has been a new local image of Taitung and also appears in the media hype. In addition, the foundation of balloon flying school helps Taiwan to train local technicians; balloon and Taitung are closely connected. Hot air balloon is an aircraft rare to see in Taiwan; it requires appropriate terrain and steady airstream to make a stable and secure flight, and Taitung Luye is the best location to meet all these conditions. The researcher adopts a special perspective to lead this creation – Overlook, using attractive marketing and relevant theories as theme selection. The case studies are from images of isometric and flat design, to analyze their characteristics, combine theories and practical examples into the creation. The theme can be separated into three series, ‘’East Rift Valley’’, ‘’Taitung Surrounds’’ and ‘’East Coast’’. From mountains to cities, end up with sea sceneries, lead consumers to enjoy the beauty of Taitung through the images. Also, maximize the possibility of image commercialization to reach the goal of promoting Taitung. This creation aims to research the elements of city marketing. The expression method is to analyze the characteristics of special drawing, such as, isometric and flat design, apply these methods to image creation. As the performance, it adds indirect thoughts to the drawing, also increases special images to benefit work itself. Through the overlook of balloon, a new form of expression is presented; using a different point of view to explore the land can achieve the goal of city marketing.


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