  • 學位論文


Influence of the Integration of CDIO and Cognitive Apprenticeship Teaching Strategy in 3D Printing and Modeling Courses on the Improvement of Learners’ Spatial Ability and Cognitive Sequence

指導教授 : 黃天麒


3D建模技術以及建模所需要的空間能力是當今不容忽略的新興核心能力。該技術亦因3D列表機的普及而更受到教育界重視。傳統3D建模的教學多採用三視圖引導學生建構出空間概念。然而,在教學現場中,此類型教材卻往往因為極為欠缺立體的、空間的訊息,以致難以達成該教學目的;同時,部分學生初始的空間能力(prior spatial ability)也往往成為學習3D建模的障礙。此外,過往學生被動的、或僅重視自動化訓練的技術教育,亦需要被轉型。據此,本研究以當今受矚目的CDIO教育框架與認知學徒教學模式結合3D列印實體教材,進行一項實驗研究。受試者為 平均年齡20歲的13位大學生,包括6位男性、7位女性。實驗結果指出,不同教材-三視圖與3D 列印實體模型的輔助,對於心智旋轉與空間視覺化的空間能力與學習成效的確存在著差異;不僅於此,在傳統教學模式與認知學徒教學模式,對於學生在任務導向的問題解決中,認知學徒教學模式不僅能由教材完成任務,並且在行為表現上也與傳統教學模式將更專注在探討與問題解決,使學生能應用所學專業,真正的解決相關3D建模的問題。而實體模型對於學習3D建模時空間能力的輔助效果,較傳統三視圖更為理想。最後,本研究受感知動機理論與雙重編碼理論之啟發,以提升3D建模的學習效益為目的,進一步發展了一套差異化空間能力教學模式;主張依據學習者的空間能力,予以不同的教材與引導之模式,把每個學習者都帶起來。


3D列印 空間能力 CDIO 後設認知 認知學徒


3D modeling and the spatial ability required by modeling are two emerging core competencies that cannot be ignored. Such technology has drawn great attention from the educational circles as the popularity of 3D printers continues to increase. There are principally three areas that make the education of 3D modeling students difficult. Three-view drawings are frequently used in conventional 3D modeling teaching to guide students in the development of their spatial concepts. However, these teaching materials often fail to achieve the teaching objectives due to a scarcity of stereoscopic and spatial information in the classroom. In the meantime, the prior spatial ability of students can become an obstacle for learning 3D modeling as well. Finally, the method of technical education that puts students in a passive position or focuses solely on the training of automation should also be transformed. This experimental study focused on the integration of the CDIO educational framework and the cognitive apprenticeship teaching strategy with the traditional teaching materials of 3D printing. Thirteen college students were selected as the subjects. There were 7 females and 6 males. The results indicate that different teaching materials, three-view drawings and physical models of 3D printing, have different influences on the development of spatial ability and the learning of mental rotation and spatial visualization. The cognitive apprenticeship teaching model, which uses teaching materials while focusing on open discussion and problem solving in behavioral expression, was superior to the conventional teaching model in the area of task-oriented problem solving by students. This study indicates that the use of physical models improves the development of spatial ability and the learning of 3D modeling relative to conventional three-view drawings. Finally, inspired by the perceptive motivation and the dual coding theories, the purpose of which is to improve the learning of 3D modeling, this study proposes a differentiated teaching model for the development of spatial ability, which suggests the use of different teaching materials and guidance modes to motivate students.


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