  • 學位論文

NFC與QR code之加解密系統應用在無線通道

Application of NFC and QR code using encryption system in wireless channel

指導教授 : 陳永隆
共同指導教授 : 黃馨逸(Hsin-I Huang)


雲端儲存服務技術已日趨成熟,任何人皆可以經由電腦、筆記型電腦或是智慧型手持裝置透過無線網路3G、Wi-Fi或有線網路取得雲端伺服器的服務,而當資料儲存於雲端系統中時資料的安全防護則顯的相當的重要,我們提出了有效的安全防護加密方式,來檢查與保護儲存在雲端伺服器上的資料以確保資料的安全,即使被駭客竊取也無法輕易的篡改與解密還原資料。Lanxiang Chen提出使用代數簽章檢查儲存於雲端系統的資料,經由將資料進行雜湊函數的演算後可以對其相對應檔案區塊進行驗證資料是否有被篡改跡相,其優點為雖然可以有效保護資料的完整性,但如為涉及到隱私與機密保護檔案如被竊取容易形成檔案資料外洩的漏洞,並不能有效的達到內容保密性。本研究使用代數簽章達到遠端資料持有檢查(remote data possession checking ,RDPC)的目標,結合多通道認證與檔案加密的方法可以有效改進以上方法的缺失。經由NFC近場通信系統與SSL安全通道的方式結合Chaos與AES的加密演算法可以確認合法的使用者,並對檔案內容進行加密,因此不會因駭客攻破取得雲端伺服器內的檔案而知悉檔案內容。本研究採用方法以時間為標記取得隨機亂數經由Chaos所產出安全密鑰以AES加密代數簽章、NFC、密碼、檔案文件,提升其文件與系統之間的防護與安全性。資料於雲端伺服器內不定時進行代數簽章檢查,如發現資料異動將禁止使用者進行下載動作,當使用者需取得雲端伺服器服務時經由個人電腦連結NFC近場通信傳送時間標記與經由MD5加密使用者資料透過SSL通道至驗證伺服器驗證使用者資訊,可提高安全性與增強防護。當使用者需要取得雲端系統上的檔案時採用SSL通道,並通過NFC與Reader連結使用者電腦經由網路傳送驗證資料。本文採用Chaos加密於代數簽章與檔案資料再經由第二通道進行使用者認證使本系統可以有效率的提高資訊的安全性與保密性的等級。


代數簽名 RDPC NFC Chaos AES 認證伺服器


Usually, the confidential documents will be encrypted before being transmitted, and the receiver first of all needs his account password to receive the file, and then decrypts the data according to the way provided by the other party. Yet, transmitting messages via the wireless network in the air could easily be intercepted, and many of the stolen data involve the security and privacy of the files. The use of algebraic signatures can effectively check whether the information is changed, but it does not always guarantee the confidentiality of the content. This thesis, through the use of algebraic signatures, can sustain the remote data possession checking (RDPC), and also decrypt the files by using AES encryption to enable the users to exchange files and enhance the defense and security between files and systems. The second channel to certificate is to connect 3G via smart phones or Wi-Fi. That is, it obtains certification via a certification server, uploads archives to obtain an encrypted file, and then the recipient can use 3G or Wi-Fi of their smart phones as the way to certificate. If there is only wired network available, users can also get the certification through NFC, which is nowadays generally offered by more and more smart phones. NFC is also a small shaped RFID, which can mimic RFID Tag or be converted to the Rader mode, obtain certification through the certification server, upload files and simultaneously proceed the examination of algebraic signature, and proceed decryption by making sure that the content is not modified. This thesis adopts Chaos as the way of encryption and the wireless network as a second channel to proceed AES encryption and RDPC algebraic signature. It in this way can reduce the need for users to remember too many account passwords and enhance the security of information and files.


algebraic signatures RDPC NFC Chaos AES authentication server


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