  • 學位論文

日韓服裝產業進入中國市場策略之研究 -UNIQLO與E.LAND之比較分析-

Global Strategy of Japanese and Korean Apparel Companies in China: Comparative Study of UNIQLO and E.LAND

指導教授 : 張銘今
共同指導教授 : 吳銀澤(Eun-Teak Oh)


日本與韓國之服飾產業都面臨國內市場飽和及規模縮小的問題,為此一些企業將目標市場延展至海外並積極開拓海外市場。而中國又因為在地理上與日、韓兩國較接近,除了作為生產基地之外,同時也因為擁有廣大的消費市場,特別受到關注。 雖然中國與日、韓同屬東亞文化圈,文化的差異及地理位置上比較接近,但是在商業市場環境上還是有一定程度的差異。因此企業在進入中國市場時,是直接採用其在本國之經營策略,亦或改採適用當地市場之策略的選擇上,是其必須面對的一大課題。本論文便是在上述研究背景下,以韓國及日本具代表性之兩企業作為個案分析對象,探討其進入中國市場所採用之策略。 本論文之分析結果發現: (1)將現有企業海外市場經營策略理論模型之AAA架構進行修正,另外設定統合策略模型,並以此導出三種類型之海外市場經營策略模型。三項統合策略分別是以裁定化策略為基礎發展之「現地裁定化」、「集中裁定化」、「全球裁定化」策略。 (2)分析結果也顯示日本Uniqlo在進入中國市場的經營策略上主要採取「集中裁定化」策略。Uniqlo之「集中裁定化」是以市場上的距離感所創造之超越本國價格之裁定化價值為基礎,同時以其各國市場共同需求之部分,優先提供有統一可能性之商品進行集中化之策略,並以此為企業創造最大收益。 (3)另一分析結果可知韓国E-land在中國中國市場的經營策略上主要採取「現地裁定化」策略。E-land之「現地裁定化」也是以市場上的距離感所創造之超越本國價格之裁定化價值為基礎,但是輔以把握當地市場環境來設定出最符合當地需求之商品市場之當地化策略。 (4)將兩企業進行比較分析的結果顯示,除了上述提到之兩企業分別傾向於採取「集中裁定化」、「現地裁定化」之策略之外,兩企業在中國進行之最重要的策略在「品牌之裁定化」策略,而其關注的焦點則在於是否能夠成功的在中國市場創造出超越其在其本國市場之商品顧客價值。兩企業除了同時以裁定化策略為基礎之外,日本Uniqlo是輔以集中化策略,韓國E-land則是加上當地化策略,分別配合其本身擁有之資源及規模進行統合化策略,最後在中國市場的開拓上取得一定的成果。 參考以上的分析結果,在全球化策略或中國市場經營策略上,無論是從理論分析或其背後的意涵檢視,為了達成以「品牌之裁定化」策略來創造品牌價值,積極活用企業本身資源環境的差異以設定海外市場經營策略確實可以達到一定程度的效果。


Clothing and Accessory industry in Japan and Korea have both been facing issues on saturated domestic market and shrinking demand. Some enterprises thus developed the international markets. China has received a lot of attention due to the huge market while located near Japan and Korea. Although China is relatively closer to Japan and Korea in culture and location, there is certain level of difference among the commercial markets. The issue is inevitable for business planning to enter China market whether to adopt the strategies applied for domestic market or apply the suitable market strategy. This essay aims to explore the strategy China applies. The essay concluded the analysis as following: (1) To modify the current strategy to enter and set up integrated strategy model, three types of integrated models are defined as Adaptation Arbitrage, Aggregation Arbitrage, and global arbitrage. (2) The result also shows Uniqlo in Japan has applied Aggregation Arbitrage strategy, which was based on the superior value through the distance for setting up a higher pricing to achieve to pursue the best interest for the business. (3) Another analysis concludes that E-land in Korea has applied Adaptation Arbitrage strategy, which is also based on the value generated from the distance, supplements the localization strategy. (4)To compare these two companies, it is concluded that one additional strategy, brand arbitrage is important adopted by these two companies is focusing on whether to create values exceeding the customer value against the local market. Both companies have integrated successfully. To implement global strategy or enter strategy, certain level of result can be achieved through utilizing the differences on resources and setting up export/import strategies.


Uniqlo E-Land Entry Mode Strategy Apparel AAA Framework


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Pankaj Ghemawat(2007),“Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter,” Harvard Business Press.
Srilata Zaheer(1995), “Overcoming the Liability of Foreignness,” The Academy of Management Journal Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 341-363.
Pankaj Ghemawat ホームページ
